вторник, 10 марта 2009 г.

Teaching English With Games

2 комментария:

  1. I. Hide-and-Seek in a picture.
    Учитель говорит: "Let's play hide-and-seek today!"
    P: I want to be "It"
    T: Let's count out.
    Выбрали водящего. Ребята было собрались уже прятаться, как их постигло
    разочарование: оказывается, прятки будут ненастоящие. "Спрятаться" надо
    мысленно за одним из предметов комнаты, изображенной на большой картине.
    Интересней всего водящему – он пишет на записочке, куда спрятался, и отдает
    ее учителю. Чтобы больше было похоже на настоящие прятки, класс читает
    присказку, которая обычно сопровождает эту игру у английских детей:
    Bushel of wheat, bushel of clover:
    All not hid, can't hide over.
    All eyes open! Here I come
    Начинают "искать":
    P1: Are you behind the wardrobe?
    It: No, I am not.
    P2: Are you under the bed?
    It: No, I am not.
    P3: Are you in the wardrobe?
    It: No, I am not.
    P4: Are you behind the curtain?
    It: Yes, I am.
    Отгадавший получает одно очко и право "прятаться".
    В каждой игре требуется ведущий, ведь его роль особо велика, а исполнять
    которую лучше всего учителю, он должен быть душою игры и заряжать всех своим
    азартом. Так, например, успех следующей игры зависит от того, как поведет
    себя учитель, так как здесь сюжет игры построен на комичности ситуации.
    II. I took a Trip.
    Класс изучал глагольные формы в Past Indefinite.
    Воспользовавшись тем, что ученики во время ездили куда-нибудь, учитель задает
    вопрос: "You went on a trip. What did you take with you?"
    Pupils: I took a suitcase. I took a clock.
    I took a book to read. I took a dog.
    I took a food basket. I took a coat.
    I took an umbrella. I took a note-book.
    Teacher: Very good. But I know very well that that was the only thing you
    took. Yes, don't be surprised. That was a very unisual trip.
    Ученики начали понимать, что учитель снова что-то придумал и что они должны
    Katya took only a suitcase, Misha took only a food basket, Andrei took only
    a clock, in a word, each took only one thing. Is it clear? All right. Let's
    go on. I want to ask:
    What did you eat? Remember that you took only one thing with you.
    Katya: I ate a book.
    Andrei: I ate a clock.
    Jane: I ate a dog.
    Kolya: I ate an umbrella.
    Ребята засмеются обязательно и от души. Затем учитель объяснит, что по
    правилам игры смеяться как раз нельзя, а тот, кто не выдерживает выходит из
    Продолжая игру, учитель может спросить:
    What did you put on your head?
    What did you put on your feet?
    What kind of transport did you go in?
    Для игры можно использовать и другие зачины, например:
    You went to the park. What did you see there? You went to the market. What
    did you buy there?
    Важно только понять принцип: отвечая на первый вопрос, ученики запоминают
    каждый свой предмет, который затем должны называть в ответах на другие
    вопросы учителя.
    1. Цель игры – отработка предлогов, вопроса Were was .? и ответов на него.
    Учитель раскладывает на столе предметы, названия которых на английском языке
    известны учащимся: книгу, ручку, пенал. Затем он оставляет на столе книгу,
    ручку вкладывает в книгу, а пенал прячет в стол. Дав ребятам одну –две
    минуты, что бы запомнить, где находятся предметы, учитель снова раскладывает
    их на столе, а затем задает детям вопросы:
    T: Where was the book?
    P1: The book was on the table.
    T: Where was the pen?
    P2: The pen was in the book.
    T: Where was the pencil-box?
    P3: The pencil-box was in the table.
    Затем учитель делает вид, что забыл, где находились предметы. Учащиеся
    напоминают ему
    P1: The book was on the table.
    2. Задача данной игры состоит в том, чтобы закрепить в памяти учащихся
    пройденную лексику и оборот There is .
    Группа делится на две команды. Учитель складывает в коробку предметы,
    названия которых известны школьникам. После этого члены команд по очереди
    называют по-английски эти предметы.
    P1: There is a book in the box.
    P2: There is a pencil in the box.
    P3: There is a pen in the box.
    P4: There is a bau in the box. И так далее.
    Выигрывает команда, назвавшая большее количество предметов.
    2. В процессе игры повторяется пройденная лексика.
    Первый вариант игры. Учитель вывешивает на доске 2 картинки (зараннее
    подготовленные), обращая внимание учащихся на то, что они на первый взгляд
    почти идентичны. Дается время на то, чтобы ребята сравнили эти две картинки
    и сказали бы, чем они отличаются друг от друга. Затем учитель убирает
    картинки и просит ребят назвать те предметы, которые на них изображены.
    Второй вариант игры. Учитель вывешивает на доске заранее подготовленную
    картинку, где, например, яблоко синее, собака зеленая и т.п. Он просит
    учащихся внимательно посмотреть на картинку, назвать все предметы, цвет
    которых не соответствует действительному.
    P1: I see a blue apple. Apples are not blue. Apples are green,
    red and yellou.
    Затем учитель, как и в первом случае убирает картинку и просит ребят
    перечислить все предметы, которые на ней изображены.
    P1: In the picture i see a tree.
    P2: In the picture i see a house.
    Можно усложнить игру, попросив учащихся назвать так же цвет предмета, его
    размеры или форму.
    P1: In the picture i see a green tree.
    P2: In the picture i see a large white house.
    3. В процессе данной игры школьники задают вопросы, отвечают
    на них в Ptesent Indefinite Tense и описывают тематические картинки.
    Учитель дает первой команде картинку (например, по теме "Классная комната") и
    предлагает ребятам в течении двух-трех минут внимательно ее рассмотреть.
    Затем он передает картинку членам второй команды, которая задает вопросы
    своим противникам. Например:
    How many desks are there in the crass room?
    Where is the chair?
    What things do you see on the desk?
    Where is the book?
    После ответов на вопросы, правильность которых контролируются членами второй
    команды, картинка вывешивается снова, и члены второй команды описывают ее.
    2.1.2 Лексические игры.
    Лексические игры преследуют следующие цели:
    - тренировать учащихся в употреблении лексики в ситуациях,
    приближенных к естественной обстановке;
    - активизировать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся;
    - развивать речевую реакцию учащихся;
    - познакомить учащихся с сочетаемостью слов.
    How many pages?
    Ученики привыкли, что на учительском столе время от времени появлялись
    красиво изданные английские книги: и им доставляло удовольствие даже просто
    смотреть на них. Учитель подумал, а что если задать вопрос: "How many pages
    are There in the book?"

  2. Horse race dictation
    Submitted by admin on 4 September, 2008 - 12:19.

    This is an activity in which students try to predict the order of words in a jumbled sentence before listening for the answer. It is enjoyable because students are asked to predict the first word, in the same way people try to guess which horse will come first in a race, giving a strong motivation for the short but very intensive listening activity, in the form of a horse race commentary, which gives the solution.

    Choose a sentence and write words in random order on the left of the board, as in the example below. You also need to prepare a commentary, which should be challenging enough to make it interesting but not too difficult. In the example below there is only one major change in order, when, and other minor changes during the race.


    Example commentary
    They’re off! I has made a strong start, with finally close behind, and home and got following. When is at the back, eleven and o’clock are just ahead. Was and it are in the middle of the field and it has just passed was. Both are ahead of eleven and o’clock and when is coming from behind fast, passing eleven and o’clock, and look at when go, flying up the field! He has passed finally and is now passing I, and into the lead. They’re coming to the finish line, what an incredible finish! It’s when first, I second, finally third, got beats home to finish fourth, with o’clock coming in last.

    Example answer: When I finally got home it was eleven o’clock.


    Make sure students are familiar with words showing order in races eg first, second, last, at the back, following, ahead, in(to) the lead, behind, up the field.
    Tell the students to imagine that the words are horses who are going to race to the other side of the board. The winner will be the first word in the sentence, the second to finish will be the second word and so on. Ask them to choose the word that they think will be the winner and write it down.
    Ask students to compare their predictions in groups.
    Tell the students they are going to hear a horse race commentary and that they have to listen carefully to find the winner and the order of words. They can make notes during the commentary and should write the sentence at the end.
    Read the commentary. Stress the words in italics to differentiate them from the other words. Note that commentaries are spoken fast in real life, so read it fairly fast the first time.
    Check the answers. You may need to read it more than once for the class to agree. Ask who predicted the winner correctly.

    Christmas games
    Submitted by admin on 25 March, 2008 - 02:57.
    Here are some games which we associate with parties and Christmas celebrations in UK schools. These games can be adapted for language learners of all ages and levels.
    Pass the parcel (Whole class/mixed ability groups)
    Prepare 5-6 boxes or envelopes decorated or wrapped with Christmas paper. In each parcel put a group activity with a Xmas theme for students to try e.g. a word search, a dialogue to practice, a questionnaire to ask each other, a poem to read aloud. Spread the boxes around the class and students can work through each parcel, passing them around. Good for two lessons or a double period as well.

    Santa’s sack (whole class)
    Prepare everyday objects of varying sizes and shapes. Wrap them up in Xmas paper and put in a sack (a pillow case will do !). Students take turns to fish out an object then win points if they can guess the object. “It could be a mobile phone….It might be a calculator …etc.” Lower levels can say “I think it’s a..” or ask “Is it a/an..?”

    Mystery pictures (whole class or small groups)
    Another guessing game is to cover Christmas pictures with a black card and leave a slim keyhole or peep hole in the centre of the card. Can they guess the object that is half hidden? You can get your pictures from magazines, free leaflets and catalogues from supermarkets or printed up from the net.

    Make a keyhole template with one blank sheet of paper. Cover each picture and photocopy. You will then have a series of pictures half hidden by black. Students can also play this in small groups if you have enough pictures photocopied. For groups write the solution in pencil on the back of each hidden picture.
    For lower levels (and kids): concentrate on 8 key items which they know well (this can be Christmas presents hidden i.e. a Harry Potter book, a game boy, a favourite video).
    For higher levels pick objects associated with Christmas but still stick to vocabulary they know e.g. a bottle of Champagne, a Christmas cake, a parcel or gift, a ski slope, a reindeer, an angel Or cover Christmas presents.

    Pin the nose on the reindeer (whole class or small groups)
    Prepare a picture of a reindeer with a small piece of velcro glued to the place where the nose should be. Prepare a nose backed with velcro. Blindfold a student from each team and their team have to shout directions to help them get the nose on the reindeer e.g. “Up a bit, down a bit, left, right etc.” All ages play this but beware of self conscious adolescents as it may cramp their style!

    Xmas find someone who… (whole class, small groups)
    Prepare 8 festive sounding challenges suited to the language level of your class and get them talking to find someone who …went skiing / will be going skiing, wrote a letter to Santa when they were small, has got a Xmas tree at home, has done some Xmas shopping, can tell you how to cook a traditional meal/dish.

    Lower levels find someone who is.. going to the mountains for Christmas / Going to stay with cousins for Christmas / Staying at home for Christmas.
    Higher levels (use language they have studied this term) Find someone who … has never been away from home / has eaten pizza on Christmas day / Would go to a hot country for Christmas (if they could/had the opportunity) / Has already bought some Christmas presents / a Christmas CD / Can suggest an original dish/activity for Xmas day / can tell you a special Xmas memory from childhood (this is a very open conversation starter for a fairly fluent class).
    Xmas colouring (whole class or pairs)
    Make multiple copies of the same colouring picture (print up one from the sites suggested in the Essential UK Xmas Special). Tell the whole class how to colour it (best with lower levels and kids) or in pairs give each students a half coloured picture (different parts coloured for each) and they ask questions to finish the picture e.g. “What colour is the present? fairy on the tree? Santa’s sleigh?”

    Higher levels can have different pictures but do not give them guidance on which objects are coloured in or not. Students therefore have to ask and find out what needs colouring in. In some cases the pictures have a few objects coloured in but the choice is more random than half and half.
    Make sure students know all the words for the objects. Put a glossary down the side of their pictures and/or use one copy to review the words before they start the activity.
