первое задание для блога - найти интересные задания для дня св.валентина (разные ступени обучения). при публикации необходимо указать для какого возраста, сколько времени потребует (хотя бы приблизительно), свои впечатления, если применяли это задание в роли учителя или учащегося и т.д. обсуждения заданий приветствуются! :)
Valentines Traditions In UK
ОтветитьУдалить"Where there is love there is life." -- Gandhi
In the words of Victor Hugo," The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved." Love is indeed the most beautiful feeling of heart and those who are fortunate enough to get the love of their life, are truly lucky as the god has bestowed his blessings on them. Aren't you interested in knowing how this wonderful lovebirds day is celebrated in UK? Well, if the answer is yes, then charge up yourself to explore information about valentines traditions in UK.
As a part of Valentine's Day tradition in Britain it is a trend to pen down love verses in newspapers and magazines. In my eyes, that's an awesome way to honor the icon of love, Saint Valentine. Though every country, every religion has its own customs and traditions, but one thing that is common to all, as far as valentine's day is concerned, is the exchanging of beautifully quoted cards, flowers and chocolates.
Among the many Valentine Day customs in England, one tradition is the singing of romantic songs. Actually the thing is that on this very special day, children sing songs and get gifts in the form of candies, fruit etc. Sometimes, they get money too. Unmarried young women wake up early in the morning and stand near the window and keep an eye on the people passing by. It is believed in England, that the first man, an unmarried woman would see on the morning of valentine day, would be her future would be husband. So guys did you enjoy reading about the traditions that are followed in UK on the Valentine's Day? Well, whatever be the customs in different countries, but ultimately what matters is love feelings that the lovebirds have for each other. And I wish you guys and girls all the very best for receiving true love!!!
Valentines Traditions In Australia
"Only love let's us see normal things in an extraordinary way"
Well, we are all aware of the wonderful Valentine's Day, as in the day of lovers. But does any of us know how this beautiful day is celebrated in the rest of the world? I'm sure; most of us are ignorant about the traditions and customs of Valentines Day observed in different countries. Lets start with the discovery of facts about Valentines traditions in Australia. Read further to know about Valentine's Day tradition in Australia…
Here are some facts about valentine day customs in Australia, so watch out: -
• Valentines day cards sell like real hot cakes during the lovers' season.
• You'll be astonished to know that men are more romantic than women in Australia. This is evident from the fact that 58% men buy Valentines Day greeting cards as against 41% of Australian women.
• Valentines day celebration is gaining momentum among the youth and this can be figured out from the fact that 90% of people in the age group of 18-24 show enthusiasm about celebrating the lovebirds' day as against 45 % of people over 50s.
• In the contemporary times, the latest trend is of sending emails and electronic cards. The best part about these online cards is that firstly they are available free of cost. You can also choose musical cards that are real romantic and there are no hassles of delivery. But, guys let me tell you one thing that handmade cards are really valuable because personal sentiments are attached to it.
• Since times immemorial, flowers have been the best means of expressing love, so what are you waiting for? Go and get a nice bouquet of flowers for your valentine.
Лучше использовать этот текст в старших классах или на средней ступени обучения.Перед прочтением текста надо попросить учащихся рассказать,что они знают про данный праздник,какие его традиции знают(например,дарить валентинки).После прочтения текста задать вопросы на проверку полноты текста.Сложные незнакомые слова можно предварительно написать на доске.Данный текст можно использовать,когда учащиеся будут проходить страны изучаемого яз-а для повышения мотивации и расширения их кругозора.Также можно попросить детей придумать идеи валентинок.Устроить конкурс на лучшую валентинку,поощерить победителя.
Ещё раз про любовь (сценарий праздника 'День Святого Валентина')
ОтветитьУдалитьЕщё раз про любовь (сценарий праздника 'День Святого Валентина')
By Irina Pavlenko
Предварительная работа:
1. Ознакомление детей с историей и национальными особенностями празднования “Дня святого Валентина”.
2. Разучивание с детьми английских песен, стихов, игр, танцев.
3. Изготовление сердечек-валентинок для украшения зала к празднику и поздравления детей и педагогов.
4. Подготовка театральной постановки по сказке “Золушка”.
Зал украшен валентинками. Звучит музыка. Дети входят, усаживаются по местам. Появляется хозяйка праздника – ведущая.
Ведущая: Ежегодно 14 февраля все англичане и американцы отмечают День святого Валентина. В этот день они дарят специальные подарки людям, которых они любят. Они посылают открытки с поздравлениями, которые называются валентинками. Часто подарками бывают сладости и цветы, и конечно, песни. И я хочу вам подарить сегодня песню.
Исполняется песня “Love is ...” by Greg Sceisa.
Love is ... a tender feeling,
Love is ... a way of being,
Love is ... just showing someone you care.
Love is ... helping with the dishes
Love is ... feeding your pet fishes
Love is ... just giving from you heart
Love is ...
Love is ...
For you and me
Oh ! Love is the greatest thing in the world.
Ведущая: О любви сложено много песен и стихотворений. Об этом чувстве писал шотландский поэт Роберт Бернс. В основу этого стихотворения положена народная песня.
Звучит стихотворение Р. Бернса “Любовь”.
Любовь как роза, роза красная,
Цветет в моем саду.
Любовь моя как песенка,
С которой в путь иду.
Сильнее красоты твоей
Моя любовь одна,
Она с тобой пока моря
Не высохнут до дна.
Не высохнут моря мой друг,
Не рушится гранит,
Не остановится песок
И он, как жизнь бежит...
Будь счастлива, моя любовь,
Прощай и не грусти.
Вернусь к тебе хоть целый свет
Пришлось бы мне пройти!
Ведущая: Поздравления в этот день могут быть разные, например, вот такое.
Звучит стихотворение “It’s Valentine’s Day” by Jack Prelutsk
It’s Valentine’s Day. And in the street
There is freezing rain, and slush, and sleet
The wind is fierce. The skies are gray
I don’t think I’ll go out today.
But here inside the weathers warm
There is no trace of wind or storm
And you just made the morning shine
You said you’d be my Valentine.
Ведущая: В этот день дети спешат отдать свои валентинки своим любимым учителям.
Звучит стихотворение “A Valentine For My Teacher” by Jack Prelutsky.
My teacher’s very special,
So I’m making her a heart.
A Valentine that’s sure to be
A proper work of art.
I’ve worked on it all morning,
So it should be ready soon.
I’d like to slip it on her desk
Before this afternoon.
It’s colored in with crayons,
And it’s trimmed with paper face
It has flowers hearts, and Cupids
I can’t wait to see her face.
Дети исполняют песню “You are my Sunshine”.
Ведущая: Каждый в этот день идет в школу с надеждой, что он получит самое большое количество валентинок. Об этом рассказывается в следующем стихотворении.
Звучит стихотворение “Our Classroom Has a Mailbox” by Jack Prelutsky.
Our classroom has a mailbox
That we painted red and gold
We stuffed it with more Valentines
Than it was made to hold.
When we opened it this morning,
I was nervous as could be.
I wondered if a single one
Had been addressed to me
But when they’d been delivered
I felt twenty stories tall.
I got so many Valentines,
I couldn’t hold them all.
Ведущая: Сегодня мы с вами посмотрим сказку “Cinderella” (“Золушка”). Мы встретимся с принцем и прекрасной девушкой, которые полюбили друг друга.
Театральную постановку по сказке “Золушка” показывают учащиеся младших классов.
Сказочница: This is a story about a young girl. Once upon a time there was a girl called Cinderella. She lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters. They were very unkind to her.
Мачеха: Cinderella, make the beds!
1-ая сестра: Cinderella, scrub the floor!
2-ая сестра: Cinderella, iron my dress!
Сказочница: Cinderella does everything. She is a nice girl. Her stepsisters call her Cinderella, because she is always covered in cinders. Now her stepmother and stepsisters are going to the grand ball.
Золушка: Please, may I come to the ball?
Мачеха: No, you can not go to the ball.
1-ая сестра: You must help us get ready. You have much work.
Мачеха: Iron my dress!
2-ая сестра: Brush my hair!
1-ая сестра: Find my shoes!
Золушка: Oh, I want to go to the ball very much.
Фея: I am your fairy godmother. Dry your eyes. You shall go to the ball.
Золушка: But how can I go there in old rags?
Фея: Now you can go to the ball. But remember you must not stay there after midnight.
Золушка: I promise I will not.
Сказочница: At the palace the prince is looking at her. He dances with Cinderella the whole night. Cinderella hears the clock begin to strike twelve.
Золушка: Good bye, Your Highness. I must go.
Принц: Cinderella! Cinderella! I will find her!
Сказочница: Не sends his messengers to find Cinderella. And they соmе to Cinderella’s house with a shoe lost by Cinderella at the ball.
1-ая сестра: It doesn’t fit my foot.
2-ая сестра: It doesn’t fit my foot, either.
Принц: Why don’t you try it on?
Ведущая: Как хорошо, что принц нашел свою Золушку. А вот нам с вами сейчас предстоит найти на нашем празднике Валентину и Валентина.
Мальчики и девочки берут из шапки по одному жетону.
Ведущая: Все, у кого изображено сердечко, прошу пройти на сцену. Вам нужно будет выполнить следующие задания:
Задание 1
Нарисуйте “сердце пронзенное стрелой” с закрытыми глазами. (Глаза нужно завязать платком).
Задание 2
Вы видите шесть воздушных шариков, но они сегодня с сюрпризом. Вам нужно проколоть по одному шарику, взять карточку с вопросом и ответить на него. (Вопросы могут быть разные, например, взять отрывки из произведений, где встречается слово любовь. Дети называют произведение и его автора.)
Задание 3
Это задание самое сложное. Нужно сложить “разбитые сердца”, в результате мы узнаем, кто сегодня – Валентина, а кто – Валентин.
Ведущая: Итак, Он и Она (имена детей) на весь год провозглашаются Валентином и Валентиной. И это значит, что целый год до следующего праздника вы будете примером дружбы и вежливости. А сейчас вы получаете переходящий приз (им вручаются два больших сердечка).
Валентин и Валентина приглашают всех детей на шуточную английскую игру “Игра с веником”.
Ведущая: А наш праздник подходит к концу. И в заключение хотелось бы, чтобы Валентин и Валентина поздравили всех с праздником.
Так как игровой момент всегда важен в обучении,использование этого сценария полностью или частично может способствовать повышению мотивации изучения языка.
Цель: повышать интерес учащихся к культуре изучаемого языка, ознакомить с традициями празднования Дня Святого Валентина.
ОтветитьУдалитьПраздник проходит на трех языках (английском, немецком и русском), в соревнованиях принимают участие три команды разного возраста (в данном случае 7-й, 8-й и 9-й классы), изучающие английский и немецкий язык. Конкурсную программу ведут ученики старших классов (3 ведущих).
(Звучит медленная музыка, входят ведущие).
E: Hello, dear boys and girls! Hello, dear guests and teachers! We are very glad to see you all!
D: Hallo, liebe Jungen und Maedchen! Hallo, liebe Gaeste und Lehrer! Wir sind sehr gluecklich Sie zu sehen!
Р: Здравствуйте, дорогие ребята! Здравствуйте, дорогие гости и учителя! Мы очень рады вас видеть!
E: We get together to celebrate The Day of Love, St. Valentine’s Day. Do you know anything about St. Valentine?
D: Wir haben hier gesammelt, um den Tag der Liebe, den Valentinstag zu feiern. Wissen Sie etwas ueber diesen Tag?
Р: Мы собрались здесь, чтобы отпраздновать день любви, день Св. Валентина. Знаете ли вы что-нибудь об этом празднике?
(Учащиеся старших классов читают легенды на анг. и нем. языках).
E: Today in this country and abroad people celebrate St. Valentines Day. Do you know where this festival came from?
D: Heute, am 14. Februar, wird im Ausland, auch in Russland, der Valentinstag gefeiert. Woher kommt dieses Fest?
P: Cегодня, 14 февраля, за границей а также в России многие люди празднуют день Святого Валентина. Откуда же пришел к нам этот праздник?
E: In England this festival is has been celebrated since the 15th century. The old legend tells us about a young man named Valentine who must be executed by the order of the Roman Emperor. It was in 269 AD. He fell in love with the daughter of his executioner. The girl was very beautiful but blind… A sad story, isn’t it? Later Valentine was said to be the saint and this festival became one of the loveliest.
P: В Англии этот праздник отмечают с XV века. Старая легенда рассказывает о юноше, которого должны были казнить. Он влюбился в дочь своего палача. Девушка была очень красивая, но слепая… Трогательная история, не так ли? Позже о Валентине стали говорить как о святом, а праздник стал одним из любимейших.
D: In Deutschland glaubten die Maedchen frueher, sie wuerden den Mann heiraten, den sie am Valentinstag zuerst vor dem Hause erblicken. Das war fuer viele Jungen Anlass, am frueher Morgen zum Hause ihrer Verliebten zu gehen, und diese mit einem Blumenstrauss zu ueberraschen.
P: В Германии девушки раньше верили, что выйдут замуж за того мужчину, которого первым увидят в день Св. Валентина перед своим домом с цветами. Это было поводом для многих юношей пораньше отправляться под окно к своей любимой.
E: The heart is the symbol of this day – the bouquets are made in the form of heart, in the form of heart the cakes are baked. In this day people send small paper hearts – the Valentines cards which always begin with “ I love you…”.
D: Das Herz ist das Symbol des Tages, deshalb werden Straeusse in Herzform gebunden und Kuchen in Herzform gebacken. An diesem Tag schenkt man einander Glueckwunschkarten, die mit den Worten beginnen: “ Ich liebe dich…”.
P: Сердце – это символ дня, поэтому букеты составляются в виде сердца, в виде сердца выпекаются пироги. В этот день люди дарят друг другу открытки в виде сердца, которые начинаются словами “ Я люблю тебя…”.
E: We proceed our festival. We’ve got 3 teams, two of them speak English and one – German. And we also have a special expert in all languages who will translate you everything.
D: Und wir setzen unseren Feiertag fort. Es gibt 3 Mannschaften: zwei sind englisch und eine Mannschaft ist deutsch. Und es gibt ein Expert, der Ihnen alles uebersetzen wird.
P: А мы продолжаем наш праздник. У нас есть три команды: две говорят по-английски и одна – по-немецки. А также у нас есть эксперт по всем языкам, который переведет вам все, что вы не поймете.
E: Our teams will get some tasks they should fulfill, the jury will put some balls. And the audience will help the team they like.
D: Jede Mannschaft bekommt eine Aufgabe, die Jury wird diese Aufgabe schaetzen und unser Publikum wird seiner Lieblingsmannschaft helfen.
P: Каждая команда получит задание, жюри будет оценивать выполнение этого задания, а публика сможет помочь понравившейся команде.
E: And now let’s begin our party with the introduction of our teams.
D: Wir beginnen unseren Feiertag mit der Vorstellung der Mannschaften.
P: Мы начинаем наш праздник с представления команд.
(Представляясь, команды говорят свое название).
E: For many centuries people think about love, they create poems, novels. There exist many quotations, proverbs and sayings about love. Can you find the Russian equivalent to them?
D: Waehrend vieler Jahrhunderte dachten die Leute an die Liebe, schrieben Gedichte, Romane. Es gibt viele Zitaten, Redensarte und Sprichwoerter ueber Liebe. Koennen Sie russische Aequivalente finden?
P: Многие века люди думали о любви, сочиняли стихи и романы. Существует множество цитат, выражений и пословиц о любви. Сможете ли вы найти русский эквивалент?
(Крылатые фразы в конверте – Приложение – задание 1).
E: While our teams are busy with their tasks, we suggest you to foretell your future. Put your hand into the box, find some symbol and we’ll tell you what it means.
D: Waehrend der Arbeit unserer Mannschaften schlagen wirIhnen vor, Ihre Zukunft zu erfahren. Verlegen Sie Ihre Hand in dieses Kaestchen, nehmen Sie ein Symbol und wir sagen Ihnen, was es bedeutet.
Веер – Вы откроете сердце человеку, которого любите.
Лента – Вы хотите быть связанны с другим человеком.
Кольцо – символ любви и верности.
Кружево – Вы хотите поймать человека в свои сети.
Красная варежка – Вас не любят.
Роза – Вас любят всей душой.
E: The time of our teams is up, let’s check their work.
D: Die Zeit ist zu Ende. Kontrollieren wir Ihre Arbeit.
P: Время у наших команд закончилось, давайте проверим задание.
E: Perfectly well.
D: Prima, gut.
P: Прекрасно.
E: And now we want to check your knowledge concerning this festival. Take a big heart and stick small hearts with necessary words onto it.
D: Wir wollen Ihre Kenntnisse ueber diesen Feiertag pruefen. Nehmen Sie ein grosses Herz und kleben Sie kleine Herzchen mit den richtigen Antworten an.
P: Мы хотим проверить ваши знания об этом празднике, возьмите большое сердце и наклейте маленькие сердечки с правильными ответами.
(Сердце с сердечками – Приложение – задание 2).
E: And some questions to our audience.
D: Wir haben einige Fragen zum Publikum.
P: У нас есть несколько вопросов к нашей публике.
Что такое “валентинка”? (Открытка в виде сердца с признанием в любви).
Богиня любви в Греции или Риме? (Афродита, Венера).
Самая печальная повесть о любви? (“Ромео и Джульетта”).
Песня любви? (Романс).
Как называют девушку и юношу, которые получили больше всех “валентинок”? (Валентин и Валентина).
Что не нужно писать на “валентинке”? (Имя отправителя).
E: Wonderful.
D: Sehr gut.
P: Очень хорошо.
E: Let’s check the sentences of our teams.
D: Kontrollieren wir Ihre Saetze.
P: Давайте проверим ваши предложения.
E: Your next task is to perform the scene described in your card saying no word at all. And we should guess what it is.
D: Die naechste Aufgabe ist die Vorstellung der Pantomima ohne Woerter. Und wir muessen sagen, was es bedeutet.
P: Следующее задание – представить пантомиму без единого слова, а мы должны догадаться, что это такое.
(Пантомима: каждая команда наугад достает бумажку, где написана ситуация, которую нужно изобразить. Приложение – задание 3).
E: This day is full of secrets. Find what is said in this card.
D: Dieser Tag ist voll Geheimnisse. Finden Sie, was man auf diesem Kaertchen geschrieben hat.
P: Этот день полон секретов. Разгадайте, что написано на этой карточке.
(Карточка с шифром – Приложение – задание 4).
E: And we’ll listen to the poems of love, they are so beautiful.
D: Und wir hoeren die Gedichte ueber Liebe. Sie sind so schoen.
P: А мы сейчас послушаем стихи о любви. Они такие прекрасные.
Конкурс стихов: Приложение.
E: Marvelous.
D: Prima.
P: Прекрасно.
E: And now it’s high time to get rest and laugh a little. We need two persons out of every team: a boy and a girl. Your task is to dance listening to the music very attentively.
D: Es ist hoch Zeit fuer Erholung und das Lachen. Wir brauchen zwei Personen aus jeder Mannschaft: einen Jungen und ein Maedchen. Sie muessen die Musik aufmerksam hoeren und tanzen.
P: Cейчас самое время отдохнуть и посмеяться. Нам нужно два человека от каждой команды: один юноша и одна девушка. Они должны внимательно слушать музыку и танцевать.
(Конкурс танцев – звучит различная музыка, попурри разных стилей, стиль танца меняется совершенно неожиданно. Например : Вальс Штрауса, ” Hard-headed Woman” Priestly, ”Minuet” Моцарта, Scatman John ”Time”, “Woman in red” Chris de Burgh …).
E: Who is the best? Applause to every pair and we’ll see your attitude.
D: Applaudieren Sie jedem Paar. Je lauter wird Ovation, desto hoeher wird die Einschaetzung, und wir koennen verstehen, wer der beste Taenzer wird.
P: Поаплодируйте каждой паре, и по вашим овациям мы определим, кто лучший танцор.
E: Thank you for your work! And now our jury need some time to sum the balls and then they we’ll say who is the winner of our competition.
D: Wir danken allen Teilnehmer und auch den Zuschauern fuer die Arbeit. Die Jury brauchen noch eine Zeit, um die Zaehlung zu machen und die Sieger zu nennen.
P: Спасибо всем за участие. Hашему жюри необходимо время, чтобы подвести итоги и назвать победителя.
(Жюри называет победителя и вручает призы).
E: Our party comes to its end. We’re happy to see you all here, we wish you love, love and love!
D: Unser Feiertag ist zu Ende. Wir sind sehr gluecklich Sie hier zu sehen und wir wuenschen Ihnen Liebe, Liebe und Liebe!
P: Наш праздник подошел к концу. Мы были счастливы видеть всех вас и желаем вам любви, любви и еще раз любви!
Пусть ясным солнечным рассветом
Вас жизнь встречает каждый день,
Любовь одарит ярким светом,
Навек уйдет печали тень…
Можно исключить русский язык,использовать как весь сценарий,так и отдельные задания на средней и старшей ступени обучения.
Внеклассная работа по предмету является одним из путей повышения качества обучения, предполагает высокую мыслительную активность учащихся, повышает их творческую инициативу. Проведение по-праздничному яркого внеклассного мероприятия значительно повышает интерес к предмету. Дети занимаются с желанием и радостью. Подготовка к внеклассным мероприятиям активизирует познавательную деятельность учащихся, даёт возможность оценить им свой уровень владения языком. Музыка, рисование имеют огромное значение в плане воспитания гармонично развитой личности. Нетрадиционная обстановка, исполнение ролей способствуют развитию воображения, фантазии. Дети любят импровизировать, участвовать в сценках, представлениях. Некоторые учащиеся проявляют свои «актёрские» способности, другие проявляют способности сочинять стихи, т.е. овладение языком осуществляется в ходе творческой деятельности. Таким образом, одним из вариантов заданий ко дню св. Валентина можно считать напр. перевод стихотворения с английского на русский язык:
ОтветитьУдалитьHere is a valentine.
Here is a valentine.
I made it just for you.
With paper and ribbons
And lots of Elmer's glue!
I cut it with my scissors
And designed it with my paint.
If I tell you that I love you,
Do you promise not to faint?
Т.к. стихотворение короткое, лучше использовать его на начальных этапах обучения, но когда дети уже обладают некоторым словарным запасом.
Для одаренных и творческих детей (на любом этапе) возможно задание, заключающееся в написании своего стихотворения.
Бакулин В.
День Святого Валентина, сценарий
ОтветитьУдалитьЦЕЛЬ: знакомство с традициями англоговорящих стран, повышение мотивации к изучению иностранных языков.
• проверка уровня сформированности навыка употребления лексических единиц по теме в устной речи;
• развитие умений прикладного творчества (открытки – «валентинки»);
• магнитофон
• доска
• воздушные шары: 10 розовых, 1 красный, 1 золотой
• тарелки
• запись инструментальной музыки
• фломастеры
• шляпы
• короны короля и королевы вечера
• блинчики, размером с 1-долларовую монету (14 штук на тарелку)
• конфеты
• шоколадные сердца
• сердечки из самоклеющейся бумаги
• сердечки из картона (puzzle)
• сердечки из мягкой бумаги с написанными словами
• салфетки
• призы
1. (Звучит музыка)
IT''S VALENTINE''S DAY by Jack Prelutsky:
It''s Valentine''s Day. And in the street
There''s freezing rain, and slush, and sleet.
The wind is fierce. The skies are gray.
I don''t think I''ll go out today.
But here inside the weather''s warm.
There is no trace of wind or storm.
And you just made the morning shine.
You said you''d be my Valentine.
2. Песня о любви в исполнении преподавателей.
3. Пантомима «Легенда о Святом Валентине»
4. Ведущий 1 (юноша):
Все начинается с любви…
А я провозглашаю снова:
Все начинается с любви!
5. Ведущий 2 (девушка): Как приятно, когда юноша знает стихи Роберта Рождественского. Название нашего вечера – тоже строчки из стихотворения «Так говорите о любви, ведь все другое – преступленье».
6. Ведущий 1: Что ж, пора начинать праздник. Сегодня мы, (ведущие представляют друг друга), поведем вас в чудесный мир любви, о которой, как сказал Сергей Есенин, «вздыхают лишь украдкой, и глаза, как яхонты, горят».
7. Ведущий 2: А если не вздыхать??? А вот так взять и сказать вслух: « Я вас люблю» да на всех языках, которые знают наши гости??? Английский, китайский – кто больше?
(участники вечера говорят фразу на всех языках, которые им известны).
8. Ведущий 1: Вижу, собрались знатоки иностранных языков. Стихи по-русски и по-английски уже звучали, а есть ли что-то подобное в Китае?
(стихотворение о любви по-китайски)
9. Ведущий 2: Любовь не знает границ, ни языковых, ни географических. И праздник Всех Влюбленных сегодня празднуют везде. В Японии поздравляют друзей, в странах Азии, Европы и Америки выбирают «Валентина» и «Валентину», англичане – кто бы мог подумать – дарят шоколадные сердца и подарки любимым домашним животным.
10. Ведущий 1: Шоколадное сердце – один из символов Дня Святого Валентина. В нашей комнате можно найти изображение других, кто сможет назвать все символы, получит приз.
(участники называют символы праздника).
11. Ведущий 2: При входе в зал, наши гости получили кусочки «разбитого» сердца. А это так печально. В День Всех влюбленных «разбитых» сердец просто не должно быть. Пожалуйста, найдите «осколки», соедините сердца и прочитайте написанные на них слова.
(участники ищут кусочки, которые соответствуют друг другу по цвету и линии среза, соединяют сердца и читают слова, написанные на них. Звучит музыка)
12. Ведущий 2: Молодцы! А вы обратили внимание, что некоторые буквы в словах выделены и рядом стоят цифры. Вот бы знать, зачем?
(heart, flower, love, cards, cupid, candy)
94 8 1 10 12 23 11 6 5 7
13. Ведущий 1: Посмотрите на доску! Здесь зашифровано послание о любви. Но до того, как мы его расшифруем, посмотрите на сердечки, которые приклеены к вам заботливыми дежурными. Один и тот же цвет – одна команда. Пожалуйста, найдите друзей по команде и присоединитесь к ним.
14. Ведущий 2: А дальше?
15. Ведущий 1: А дальше – конкурс! Кто быстрее угадает букву и расшифрует фразу. Начинает та команда, которая правильно закончит фразу: « I''ll be your sweetheart, if you are mine, All my life… ( I''ll be you Valentine) .
(Во время конкурса ведущие по очереди вписывают правильно угаданные буквы)
1 2 3 4 5 6 5 7 8 9 10 11 5 12
16. Ведущий 2: Любовь в воздухе, а воздух – в шарах. Ой, там еще и листочки какие-то.
17. Ведущий 1: Выход один – достать и посмотреть. Почетное право лопнуть шарик предоставляется самому активному участнику вечера. ( Лопают шарик и достают сердечки с написанными рифмами: love - cough; любовь – морковь, Valentine – выбирай, rose – nose, ai – вай, candy – Sandy)
18. Ведущий 2: На всей земле не встретите поэта,
Дерзнувшего приняться за перо,
Не обмакнув его сперва в прекрасных
Слезах любви….
19. Ведущий 1: Слезы любви? Ты о чем?
19. Ведущий 2: О следующем конкурсе. Каждый может почувствовать себя Шекспиром, едва заговорит он о любви. Следующие пять минут – на сочинительство. Язык произведения – любой. (Команды выбирают по два сердечка с рифмами, не глядя) (Звучит музыка)
20. Ведущий 1: Готовы? Поэтический марафон! Начали!
21. Ведущий 2: Все хорошо, все замечательно (ворчливо). А Валентина и Валентину как выбирать будем???
22. Ведущий 1: Шляпы есть? (ему дают шляпы). На ваших сердечках написаны имена. Положите свои сердечки в шляпу. ( Ведущие обходят гостей и собирают сердечки.)
23. Ведущий 2: Кто тянуть будет? Давайте, кто-нибудь, у кого рука легкая. Самый младший из присутствующих, пожалуйста, подойти к нам и вытяни сердечко с именем.
24. Ведущий 1: Объявляет имя. Надевает на короля и королеву короны.
25. Ведущий 2: Накануне праздника прошли конкурсы, мы награждаем победителей. (Король и королева. ведущие награждают победителей конкурсов)
26. По обычаю, в День Святого Валентина нельзя обойтись без сладостей. Королева и король нашего вечера угощают гостей!
(Король и королева и ведущие обходят гостей, предлагая сладости – шоколадные сердца, печенье, блинчики в форме сердца) Звучит музыка.
1. (Звучит музыка)
IT''S VALENTINE''S DAY by Jack Prelutsky:
It''s Valentine''s Day. And in the street
There''s freezing rain, and slush, and sleet.
The wind is fierce. The skies are gray.
I don''t think I''ll go out today.
But here inside the weather''s warm.
There is no trace of wind or storm.
And you just made the morning shine.
You said you''d be my Valentine.
2. Песня о любви в исполнении преподавателей.
3. Пантомима «Легенда о Святом Валентине»
4. Ведущий 1 (юноша):
Все начинается с любви…
А я провозглашаю снова:
Все начинается с любви!
5. Ведущий 2 (девушка): Как приятно, когда юноша знает стихи Роберта Рождественского. Название нашего вечера – тоже строчки из стихотворения «Так говорите о любви, ведь все другое – преступленье».
6. Ведущий 1: Что ж, пора начинать праздник. Вот только что же такое «любовь»?
7. Ведущий 2: Как ты не знаешь?? Это то, с чего начинается вся наша жизнь. И наше первое задание – про самую первую и самую важную любовь – любовь счастливой семьи.
Нам нужны два человека, которые не побоятся выйти к нам на первое праздничное испытание.
(Два человека читают по очереди стихотворение, зрители аплодисментами показывают, кто читает лучше)
I love Mummy, she loves me,
I love Daddy, he loves me,
And you see,
We are a happy family.
I love brother, he loves me,
I love sister, she loves me,
And you see,
We are a happy family.
8. Ведущий 1: Вижу, собрались знатоки иностранных языков. Стихи по-русски и по-английски уже звучали, а есть ли что-то подобное в Китае?
(стихотворение о любви по-китайски)
9. Ведущий 2: Любовь не знает границ, ни языковых, ни географических. И праздник Всех Влюбленных сегодня празднуют везде. В Японии поздравляют друзей, в странах Азии, Европы и Америки выбирают «Валентина» и «Валентину», англичане – кто бы мог подумать – дарят шоколадные сердца и подарки любимым домашним животным.
10. Ведущий 1: Шоколадное сердце – один из символов Дня Святого Валентина. В нашей комнате можно найти изображение других, кто сможет назвать все символы, получит приз.
(участники называют символы праздника).
11. Ведущий 2: При входе в зал, наши гости получили кусочки «разбитого» сердца. А это так печально. В День Всех влюбленных «разбитых» сердец просто не должно быть. Пожалуйста, найдите «осколки», соедините сердца и прочитайте написанные на них слова.
(участники ищут кусочки, которые соответствуют друг другу по цвету и линии среза, соединяют сердца и читают слова, написанные на них. Звучит музыка)
12. Ведущий 2: Молодцы! Как хорошо, что у нас нет больше разбитых сердец!
13. Ведущий 1: А на доске – новое задание ! Здесь зашифровано послание о любви. Но до того, как мы его расшифруем, посмотрите на сердечки, которые приклеены к вам заботливыми дежурными. Один и тот же цвет – одна команда. Пожалуйста, найдите друзей по команде и присоединитесь к ним.
27. Ведущий 2: А дальше?
28. Ведущий 1: А дальше – конкурс! Кто быстрее угадает букву и расшифрует фразу. Как в «Поле Чудес»!
(Во время конкурса ведущие по очереди вписывают правильно угаданные буквы)
29. Ведущий 2: Любовь в воздухе, а воздух – в шарах. Ой, там еще и листочки какие-то.
30. Ведущий 1: Выход один – достать и посмотреть. Почетное право лопнуть шарик предоставляется самому активному участнику вечера. (Лопают шарик и достают сердечки с кроссвордами)
31. Ведущий 2: Что-то у нас задания все слишком простые! Надо придумать посложнее! Придумала! Поэтический марафон! Кто из вас знает традиционное стихотворение, которым подписывают открытку - валентинку??? Rose is red, Violets are blue, Honey is sweet and so are you! А сможет ли кто-нибудь переделать строчки так, чтобы рассказать про своих друзей? Например, Puppy is funny, days are sunny, snow is white and so are you! (Команды придумывают стихи)
32. Ведущий 2: Все хорошо, все замечательно (ворчливо). А Валентина и Валентину как выбирать будем???
33. Ведущий 1: Шляпы есть? (ему дают шляпы). На ваших сердечках написаны имена. Положите свои сердечки в шляпу. ( Ведущие обходят гостей и собирают сердечки.)
34. Ведущий 2: Кто тянуть будет? Давайте, кто-нибудь, у кого рука легкая. Самый младший из присутствующих, пожалуйста, подойти к нам и вытяни сердечко с именем.
35. Ведущий 1: Объявляет имя. Надевает на короля и королеву короны.
36. Ведущий 2: Накануне праздника прошли конкурсы, мы награждаем победителей. (Король и королева. ведущие награждают победителей конкурсов)
37. По обычаю, в День Святого Валентина нельзя обойтись без сладостей. Королева и король нашего вечера угощают гостей!
(Король и королева и ведущие обходят гостей, предлагая сладости – шоколадные сердца, печенье, блинчики в форме сердца) Звучит музыка.
/Бакулин В.
Этот комментарий был удален автором.
ОтветитьУдалитьSt. Valentine’s Day: урок — конкурс английского языка в 4-м классе
ОтветитьУдалитьTeacher: Dear children and guests. Do you like holidays? And I like them, too. What holidays do you know? (Учащиеся называют известные им праздники. Учитель фиксирует их на доске.) On the 14-th of February people celebrate – a beautiful holiday, which is loved by adults and children, St. Valentine’s Day. Do you know where this holiday came from?
Pupils: ...
Teacher: (Учитель рассказывают свою версию или на русском языке или на английском с опорой на картинки) Once lived a man. His name was Valentine. He was a good doctor. Many people loved him. He was clever and kind. Valentine was put in prison and was sentenced to death. At that time people celebrated New Year in the middle of February. Children and adults came to congrutalate and thank Valentine for help. The jailor (тюремный надзиратель ) had a blind daughter. And he decided to show it to Valentine. It turned out that he helped her. But she fell in love with him. So, soon Valentine was executed. The only thing he left was a love letter to his sweetheart.
This is a sad story about love.
On this day people byu small presents (flowers and chocolate) and send Valentine’s cards(heart with sentimental or funny messages).
Today we’ll have an English contest - all the tasks will be connected with this holiday. We’ll play games, recite poems – so I hope that we’ll enjoy the holiday and have a good time.
So I wish you good luck. Everyone will get a forteit for the best result in each competition, and at the end we’ll see who is the 1st, 2nd and 3d places.
Let’s start.
Деление на команды можно организовать разными способами. Один из них дети вытягивают один из трех символов (сердце, роза и голубь) и разбиваются на команды. Отсюда и названия команд.
Contest 1
Fill in the gaps and translate the poem.
The rose is red, Роза – алая,
The violets are blue. Фиалка – голубая.
The honey is sweet. А ты сладкая как мед.
And so are you.
Contest 2
Teacher: Today in the morning I ‘ve got a message, but I cannot read it. It is recoded.
Help me to recode this secret message.(I heartly hope you have a Happy Valentine’s Day)
Командам раздаются закодированные сообщение. Дети должны расшифровать и перевести это послание. Та команда, которая правильно расшифрует и переведет близко к тексту получает бал.
A Secret Message
33=D 83=H 7=A
77=L 79=N 69=T
19=I 56=O 17=U
51=S 8=E 26=R
42=Y 66=V 2=P
19 83 8 7 26 69 19 77 42
83 56 2 8
42 56 17 83 7 66 8 7
83 7 2 2 42
66 7 77 8 79 69 19 79 8
51 33 7 42
Contest 3
Jumbled words
The letters in words connected with St. Valentine’s Day are mixed. Make the words.
1. thear 2.RyFebrua 3.Chotecola 4.Tnesert 5.Hodayli 6.Orse 7.velo
1. heart 2.February 3.Chocolate 4.Present 5.Holiday 6.Rose .7.love
Teacher: So it’s time to finish the lesson. I want to tell the results of the competition.(All the winners get presents – sweet or chocolate medals).
Some of you also have prepared Valentine’s cards. We decided to give additional presents for the best cards.
/Наволочная Юля
Я применяла это задание в качестве учителя. Впечатления и у меня и у ученика остались самые хорошие. Он запомнил историю праздника, усилилась мотивация изучения языка и на следующий урок он сам придумал несколько заданий.Этот сценарии можно использовать и для работы в группах.
ОтветитьУдалитьЭтот комментарий был удален автором.
ОтветитьУдалитьТема: Valentine’s Day
ОтветитьУдалитьЦели мероприятия:
- расширять общеобразовательный кругозор за счет ознакомления со страноведческим материалом;
- развивать любознательность, фантазию и языковую догадку;
- воспитывать уважительное отношение к культуре изучаемого языка, дух соперничества.
Форма проведения: конкурсная программа
Оборудование: тематическoe сердце, разбитые сердца, шары с заданиями, плакат для конкурса.
Ход мероприятия:
I. Организационная часть.
Stand up. Good afternoon, my dear boys and girls.
I am glad to see you. Sit down, please.
II. Речевая зарядка.
Today we celebrate St. Valentine’s Day. At first I want to ask you:
-What do you know about this holiday?
-What happened in this day many years ago?
III. Основная часть мероприятия.
Let me begin our holiday with the story about this day. I’ll read and you'll try to understand it. But at first, look at the blackboard. Here you can see some new words:
to condemn – приговорить
a jailer – тюремщик
farewell – прощальное
“Valentine was a Christian priest in the Roman Empire 300 years after the death of Jesus Christ. When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers, he made a law against marrying because he felt that marriage made men want to stay at home instead of fighting wars. But at that moment there was a kindly priest named Valentine. He couldn’t agree with the emperor’s decision. When he saw that young couples were truly in love, he married them secretly. But he was condemned to death. In the prison he met a jailer’s blind daughter. He was in love with her. He helped her by working a miracle. He restored her sight. Just before his death, on February 14, he sent her a farewell message signed: “From your Valentine”.
Now answer my questions:
-Do you understand this text?
-What new information do you know from this story?
Now look at the blackboard. Here you can see 1 heart with wish for you. Let’s read and translate it all together:
February the 14th day
It’s Valentines they say
I choose you from among the rest
The reason is I love you best.
Now let’s divide into 2 teams. You will be the first team and you – 2d one.
GAME 1. I’ll give each team an envelope with breaking hearts(adjective + translation). You should combine 2 parts of one heart:
1 - nice – милый, сладкий – sweet, beautiful – красивый, умный – clever, kind – добрый
2 - interesting – интересный, мудрый – wise, best – лучший, любимый – favorite, good – хороший
Now let’s check.
GAME 2. There are 2 balloons with some words for each team. You should write a poem.
1) flowers, hours
Valentine, my
2) vine, Valentine,
stone, alone
I want to listen to your poems.
GAME 3. Now the first team must write all adjectives for girls, the second team – for boys.
GAME 4. Look at the blackboard. Here you can see a word combination: Valentine’s Day.
Each team should make new words from this combination:
for example - tie, tile, tin, daily, native, vital, date, etc.
Let’s count your words.
IV. Подведение итогов.
Thank you, children! You were very active today. Good-bye.
Выше опубликован сценарий урока английского языка для 8 класса общеобразовательной школы) На практике еще не применяла, но понравилось задание на сочинение стихов на заданную рифму (Буриме). На мой взгляд, это задание будет интересно для школьников)
ОтветитьУдалитьМожно провести конкурс на лучшую валентинку. Так же можно провести такие конкурсы:
ОтветитьУдалитьContest 1
Warming-up of the captains
Teacher: Listen to the statements carefully and try to give a short answer.
1. A flower which helps to find an answer to the question: Does he love or not? (chamomile).
2. Before a date/rendezvous you should look into the (mirror).
3. Reliable camouflage for the woman (cosmetics)
4. Cupid’s sharpness (an arrow).
5. The place of residence of the sweethearts (Paradise).
6. The opponent in love is (adversary).
7. Sweethearts do not love (boredom).
8. It helps us to live and love (a song).
9. The main character of love story by Shakespeare is (Romeo).
10. The season of sweethearts (spring).
11. The queen of flowers is (rose).
12. The most romantic feeling is (love).
Contest 2
game “Who stole my heart?
A child sits with her back to the class. Her hands are holding a paper heart. Another child is chosen to walk up as quickly as he can take the heart. He returns to his seat and puts the heart out of sight. The child in front turns around and says: “Who stole my heart? Was it you…?” She has 3 guesses. If she guesses correctly, she stays in front and plays again. If she does not guess correctly, the person who stole the heart gets to go in front.
Contest 3
Now you are having cards with parts of the sentences. Your task is to connect the right halves. The team who is the first to complete the sentences gets the points.
A part of your body is……………………………………….a heart.
A heart-shaped card is………………………………………a valentine
A man who cared for people is………………………………St.Valentine.
ОтветитьУдалитьДля учеников 7-8 классов
ОтветитьУдалитьПодготовка: нарисовали газету, посвящённую празднику, провели конкурс рисунков, разучили стихи, песню, подготовили инсценировку сказки "Золушка",
- Расширить знания учащихся о традициях празднования Дня Святого Валентина в англоязычных странах;
- Совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию, активизировать учебные умения и навыки школьников.
- Повышать познавательный интерес в процессе игры, драматизации.
- Развивать творческие способности обучающихся.
Ход занятия
Good afternoon, dear pupils and guests. It's so lovely to meet you here at our Valentine's party.
I hope that Valentine's Day will bring you lots of fun. We'll speak about the history of the holiday, listen to beautiful songs and poems and watch a wonderful performance about Cinderella and her Prince. I hope you will enjoy the party.
Ученик 1:
Let me call you sweetheart
I am in love with you.
Let me hear with you
That you love me too
Ученик 2:
O my love is like a red red rose
That newly sprung in June:
O my love is like the melodie
That's sweetly played in tune.
As fair art though, my bonnie lass,
So deep in love am I:
And I will love thee still my dear,
Till a' the seas gang dry.
Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear
And the rocks melt wi' the sun;
And I will love thee still, my dear,
While the sands of l life shall run
And fare thee weel, my only love,
And fare thee weel a while!
And I will come again, my love,
Tho'it were ten thousand mile! (R.Burns)
Ученик 3:
Любовь, как роза, роза красная,
Цветёт в моём саду.
Любовь моя - как песенка,
С которой в путь иду.
Сильнее красоты твоей
Моя любовь одна.
Она с тобой, пока моря
Не высохнут до дна.
Не высохнут моря, мой друг,
Не рушится гранит
Не остановится песок,
А он, как жизнь, бежит
Будь счастлива, моя любовь,
Прощай и не грусти.
Вернусь к тебе, хоть целый свет
Пришлось бы мне пройти!
(Перевод С. Маршака)
Ученик 4:
A legend says that a longtime ago in Rome there was a priest named Valentine. Claudius II who was Emperor at that time made a law that no one could become engaged or married. He was afraid that if men had sweethearts or wives, they wouldn't want to fight in wars. But Valentine felt sorry for young people who were in love. So he married them secretly. When Emperor found it he had Valentine put to death. Some people say this happened on February 14th.
Ученик 5:
Nowadays Valentine's Day is a special time when people tell each other that they love them and care about them. To celebrate the date, people send special cards with romantic messages. They give small gifts and tokens to their sweethearts. Many poems are heard on this day.
Ученик 6:
Your heart is like a treasure.
A source of wealth to keep.
Impossible to measure.
Unfathomably deep.
And now you can see a performance about two sweethearts: Cinderella and her Prince.
Scene 1
Stepmother: There will be a ball in the King's palace. Let's go to the ball.
Stepsisters: Great! Fantastic!
1 Stepsister: Cinderella, give me my white dress!
Cinderella: Here it is!
2 Stepsister: Cinderella! Give me my hat and the mirror!
Cinderella: Here they are!
1 Stepsister: Give me my fan!
Cinderella: Here it is!
1 Stepsister: Cinderella, would you like to go to the ball?
Cinderella: Oh, don't laugh at me. I have neither a beautiful dress nor glass shoes
2 Stepsister: Of course not. You can't go to the ball.
1 Stepsister: Yes, she is too dirty to go there.
Stepmother: Well, my dear, let's go to the ball!
Scene II
Fairy: Why are you crying my dear child? Please, don't cry!
Cinderella: I can't go to the ball. I have neither beautiful dresses nor glass shoes.
Fairy: I'll help you and you will go to the ball. Here are glass shoes and a white dress. But remember. You must go home when the clock strikes 12.
Cinderella: Oh, thank you very much!
Scene III
(in the King's palace)
King: Look at that beautiful girl!
Prince: Oh, how beautiful she is! May I dance with you?
Cinderella: With pleasure!
Prince and Cinderella are dancing. The clock strikes 12.
Cinderella: Oh. It's 12 o'clock. I must go!
Cinderella is running away and losing her shoe.
Scene IV
Cinderella: Did you like the ball?
1 Stepsister: Yes, very much, there was a beautiful girl at the ball.
2 Stepsister: She ran away and lost her glass shoes.
Stepmother: Prince wants to marry her!
(Prince and heralds are coming)
Herald : Please, try on this glass shoe!
1 Stepsister: Oh. It's too small for me!
Herald to Cinderella: Will you try it on?
Stepmother: Oh, it's our Cinderella
Cinderella: But I want to try it on!
(Cinderella puts on the shoes)
Stepsisters Oh, Cinderella, we beg your pardon.
Cinderella: Never mind. I pardon you.
Prince: I love you!
So, the prince has found his Cinderella. As for our party, it goes on.
You see, there are split hearts on my desk. Take the halves of hearts, and find the other half to make a heart.
Now we have couples. Let's do the tasks.
1. You have to get acquainted. Make up dialogues.
2. Say compliments to each other.
3. Look at the hearts on the blackboard. Choose a heart and you will see the tasks written on the other sides of the hearts. Do the tasks.
(Answer the questions about St Valentine's Day, make up sentences, find the words, sing a song, recite a poem)
4. Write a Valentine to the best couple.
So we have chosen the best couple. And now let's listen to a beautiful song. (A pupil performs a song: Speak softly, love.)
I hope all of you liked our party. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!
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ОтветитьУдалитьВ английском языке существует устойчивое выражение - "Wearing one's Heart on one's Sleeve" - "не (уметь) скрывать своих чувств". Если перевести дословно - "носить сердце на рукаве". У истоков данного выражения стоит традиция, распространенная в Америке и Британии в начале 19 века. Молодые люди того времени носили имя возлюбленной, приколотое к рукавам одежды.
ОтветитьУдалитьA variety of interesting Valentine's Day traditions developed over time. For example, hundreds of years ago in England, children dressed up as adults on Valentine's Day and went singing holiday verses from door to door. In Wales, wooden love spoons, carved with key, keyhole and heart designs, were given as gifts.
ОтветитьУдалитьThe gift of flowers on Valentine's Day probably dates to the early 1700s when Charles II of Sweden brought the Persian poetical art called "the language of flowers" to Europe. Throughout the 18th century, floral lexicons were published, allowing secrets to be exchanged with a lily or lilac, and entire conversations to take place in a bouquet of flowers. The more popular the flower, the more traditions and meanings have been associated with it.
The rose, representing love, is probably the only flower with a meaning that is universally understood. The red rose remains the most popular flower bought by men in the United States for their sweethearts. In more recent years, people have sent their sweethearts their favorite flowers, rather than automatically opting for roses. Also making the list of valentine favorites are tulips, lilies, daisies and carnations.
Among early valentine gifts were candies, usually chocolates, in heart-shaped boxes. Companies like Godiva Chocolatiers have made high quality chocolate in artistic designs and elegant wrappings a traditional Valentine's gift.
Today, just about anything goes for a Valentine's Day gift, depending on the recepient's tastes. If you're trying to move away from the flowers and candy, you can always check out our gift guide for a range of ideas from stuffed animals to the latest gadgets.
http://www.novgorod.fio.ru/projects/Project1585/index.htm - сайт посвящен празднованию дня Святого Валентина - стихи, песни, задания, материалы. Пользуйтесь на здоровье.
ОтветитьУдалитьP. S. у меня наверное аккаунт какой-то не такой, но не могу отправить на главную страницу ни сообщение, ни картинку, ни видео... (как. например, Falscher Glanz - Hallo! :^((
Игры для 5 класса на День Святого Валентина
ОтветитьУдалитьИгра “Valentine Post Office”
Играющие усаживаются в круг, один человек – в центре круга, и один человек – за кругом. Ученик за кругом будет почтальоном Postmen. Почтальон говорит: “I have a valentine from … to …”, называя имена двух участников игры. Эти два человека должны быстро поменяться местами в то время, как игрок в центре пытается занять место одного из них. Если ему это удается, то тот, кто остался без места, усаживается в центр круга.
Игра “Mend a Broken Heart”
В игру играю парами. Необходимо заранее разрезать сердце на две части так, чтобы разрез был неровный. Одна половинка прикрепляется на доске, другую надо повесить с закрытыми глазами так, чтобы получилось одно целое.
Игра “Correct the Mistakes”
Для данной игры ученики делятся на пары. Каждая пара получает карточку с заданием «Исправь ошибки». Для выполнения задания учащимся дается 2-3 мин. Побеждают те дети, которые быстро и правильно выполняли задание.
Задание на карточке:
Deer Sveta!
I hope that Falentine’s Day shell breng you lots ov fun! I thinks you’re every nice. And so does everione!
Best weshes, Alex.
Deer, Sveta!
I hope that Valentine’s Day shall bring you lots of fun! I think you’re very nice. And so does everyone!
Best wishes, Alex.
Игра ”Match the Famous Couples”
Для проведения данной игры учащиеся делятся на группы по 3-4 человека или на пары. Каждая пара получает набор разрезных сердечек, на которых записаны имена литературных героев, персонажей мультфильмов, известных людей. За 2 мин игроки должны соотнести пары и составить сердечки.
Father Frost –Snegurochka
Mickey Mouse – Minnie
Ruslan – Lyudmila
Winnie-the-Pooh – Piglet
Tom – Jerry
Wolf – Hare
Ivan – Princess frog
Romeo – Juliet
Cheburashka –Crocodile Gena
Kay –Gerda
Игра “Red Things Game”
Красный цвет – цвет праздника Святого Валентина. Каждому участнику даю листок бумаги и карандаш. По сигналу за 3 мин. участники должны записать как можно больше названий предметов красного цвета. Побеждает тот ученик, чей список окажется самым длинным.
Игра “Guess Who”
В классе ставится разукрашенная коробочка, в которую все могу класть любовные открытки. В конце дня коробочку открывают и смотрят, кто больше получил любовных записок. На открытках указывают только имя адреса. Получивший открытку сам должен догадаться, от кого она. Вместо подписи пишется: “From me to you, guess who?”, “From a lovely bird who’s singing a love song”, “From a devil to devil”.
Valentine's Web
ОтветитьУдалитьHave students form circle. Toss ball of red yarn to one student, saying, "I love _______ because ___________." Student should wrap yarn around wrist, then toss ball to another student saying "I love _______ because ___________" ("he is kind to me," "she shares her crayons with me," etc.). No student should receive the yarn a second time until all have received it at least once. Play until all yarn is gone.
Valentine's Day Discussion Questions
ОтветитьУдалитьfor English Language Learners
Do people celebrate Valentine's Day in your country? If so, how? If not, does your country have a holiday similar to Valentine's Day?
Is Valentine's Day primarily a day for children or for adults, for the single or the married? Why?
How would a child's Valentine's Day differ from an adult's?
List ways that you could show your love for an individual on Valentine's Day.
Flowers, candy and cards can be nice on Valentine's Day, but real love should be demonstrated in countless more practical ways every day. Identify in which you show your love for others and in which others show their love for you on a daily basis.
What does the word "love" mean to you?
How do the following types of love differ:
-- a parent's love for a child?
-- a child's love for a pet?
-- a boyfriend's love for a girlfriend?
-- a wife's love for her husband?
-- a grandchild's love for a grandparent?
How are they the same?
Who might you give gifts to on Valentine's Day? What kinds of gifts would you give?
Who might you receive gifts from on Valentine's Day? What kinds of gifts might you receive?
Describe the best Valentine's Day you've ever had.
Describe the worst Valentine's Day you've ever had.
Imagine a perfect Valentine's Day. Who would you be with? Where would you go? What would you do? How would you feel? Describe it.
At what age do most people in your country marry? At what age did you/do you want to get married?
If you are not married, what kind of person would you like to marry?
Do you think its better to be single or married? Why?
Мне кажется, с помощью этих вопросов можно создать оживленную беседу в классе, в ходе которой ученики могли бы высказывать свое мнение и поделиться впечатлениями(например,вопрос про the best/the worst Valentine's Day).
Игру "Valentine's Web", я думаю, можно применять на всех этапах обучения иностранному языку, потому что ученикам может показаться интересным сам ее процесс и позитивный настрой, с которым она проводится
это не относится ко дню святого Валентина...есть интересный сайт www.education.com там всякие статьи о нововведениях в образовании и воспитании и советов много...
ОтветитьУдалитьХод урока.
ОтветитьУдалить1. –Hello, boys and girls! Glad to see you! I hope you are fine today. Are you ready to start? Today we shall have a talk about St.Valentine’s Day. Will you name the main holiday words?
It’s a bird, a symbol of the holiday. (dove)
it’s a decoration for the handmade valentine. (lace)
It’s a word to call your sweetheart. (darling)
It’s a synonym for “a surprise”. (secret)
It’s a kind of treat for your sweetheart. (candy)
It’s a name for whom you fell in love with. (sweetheart)
It’s a child-like son of Venus. (Cupid)
It’s a close person for you, but not a relative. (friend)
It’s a month for St.Valentine Day. (February)
I see you know the main holidays words. You are ready to speak about St.Valentine’s Day. St.Valentine’s Day is a religious holiday, which is celebrated in Great Britain, in many European countries and in the USA. St.Valentine’s Day has roots in several legends. (reading with the main idea) Answer the question: When did the Romans celebrate the Lupercalia? (15 February)
2.Обучение аудированию.
- This is the legend of how St.Valentine’s Day began. When the Roman Imperor Claudius II needed soldiers, he made a law against marrying because he felt that marriage made men want to stay at home instead of fighting wars. But at that time there was a kindly priest named Valentine. He couldn’t agree with the Imperor’s decision. When he saw that young couples were truly in love, he married them secretly.
- Enjoy the scene from the legend and be ready to answer some questions.
Далее следует инсценировка легенды.
Священник: My daughter! My son! I declare you husband and wife!
Стражники: Priest, you have been discovered and condemned to death! To prison! To the Tower!
Священник: What a beautiful girl!
Тюремщик: This is my daughter. She is blind. She will probably never see the light, trees!
Священник: I’ll help her by working a miracle!
Девушка: I’m so grateful to you. Even in prison you, Valentine, showed your love for everyone and restored my sight!
Священник: Unfortunately, tomorrow on February 14 I will have to die. But I’m not scared and I want to tell everybody on earth, “I love you. I’m your Valentine”.
Just before his death, on February 14, he sent her a farewell message signed “From your Valentine”.
We’ve just been back in the ancient legend. February 14 was right in the middle of a Roman festival called the Lupercalia. When Christianity became the religion of Rome, this joyous day was changed to St.Valentine’s Day, in honour of the saint who had given his life to help lovers.
3. Контроль понимания услышанного. (true|false)
St.Valentine’s Day has roots in several legends.
Cupid, the Roman god of love, is one of the earliest days of the day.
Valentine was a Christian priest.
He lived three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ n the Roman Empire.
On February 14 Valentine was killed because he was a Christian.
He married couples contrary to the laws of the Roman Empire.
St.Valentine’s Day is now a day of sweethearts.
4. Совершенствование речевых навыков.
There are many other legends about how Valentine’s Day started, and no one knows for sure whether any of them are true. Also, there are a lot of traditions of celebrating St.Valentine’s Day in different countries. Students’ reports ( выступления учащихся)
Thank you for interesting information. I think it will be useful. What traditions do you find the most interesting/ unusual/ special for girls/boys? Discuss your ideas in pairs ( работа в парах)
I think………..
To my mind……..
5. Совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков.
Very often people speak about love in poems.
Please, be my Valentine
You are my coochi coo
You are my sweety pie
Life would be so bitter honey
If you are not mine.
Please, be my Valentine!
Like salt and pepper
Folk and knife
Cup and sauсer
Will be terrific together
Would you like to pair up with m
- And now you will write your poems
Match the rhyming words. Use them to write your own poems.
love kiss heart friend lace time
sign rose you mine day miss
hand face smart dove nose too
rhyme thine away line
-Oh, you are good poets! Thank you for your nice poems! Now you may give your valentines to your sweethearts.
Этот комментарий был удален автором.
ОтветитьУдалитьИз истории.
ОтветитьУдалитьValentine s Day History
Every February we celebrate Valentine's Day by giving flowers, candies, gifts and cards to those we love. We do this in honour of Saint Valentine. You may be wondering who is he? The history of Valentine's Day and its patron is shrouded in mystery. But we know that February has long been а month of romance. St.Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition.
The story of Valentine's Day begins in the third century with an oppressive Roman emperor and а humble Christian martyr. The emperor was Claudius II Gothicus. The Christian was Valentinus.
Claudius had ordered all Romans to worship state religion's idols, and he had made it а crime punishable by death to associate with Christians. But Valentinus was dedicated to the ideals of Christ, and not even the threat оf deaf could keep him from practicing his beliefs. During the last weeks of Vаlеntine's life а remarkable thing happened. One day а jailer for the Emperor of Rome knocked at Valentinus's door clutching his blind daughter in his arms. Не had learned of Valentinus's medical and spiritual healing abilities, and appealed to Valentinus to treat his daughter' s blindness. She had been blind since birth. Valentinus knew that her condition would be difficult to treat but he gave the man his word he would do his best. The little girl was examined, given an ointment for her eyes and а series of re-visits were scheduled. Seeing that he was а man of learning, the jailer asked whether his daughter, Julia, might also be brought to Valentinus for lessons. Julia was а pretty young girl with а quick mind. Valentinus read stories of Rome's history to her. Не described the world of nature to her. Не taught her arithmetic and told her about God. She saw the world through his eyes, trusted in his wisdom, and found comfort in his quiet strength.
"Valentinus, does God really hear our prayers?" Julia said one day.
"Yes, my child, Не hears each one", he replied.
"Do you know what I pray for every morning and every night?
I pray that I might see. I want so much to see everything you' ve told me about!"
"God does what is best for us if wе will believe in Him", Valentinus said.
"Oh, Valentinus, I do believe", Julia said intensely. "I do."
She knelt and grasped his hand. They sat quietly together, each praying. Several weeks passed and the girl`s sight was not ' restored. Then one day, Valentinus received а visit from Roman soldiers who arrested him, destroyed his medicines and admonished him for his religious beliefs. When the little girls father learned of his arrest and imprisonment, he wanted to intervene but there was nothing he could do. On the eve of his death, Valentinus wrote а last note to Julia - knowing his execution was imminent. Valentinus asked the jailer for а paper, pen and ink. Не quickly jotted а farewell note and handed it to the jailer to give to his blind daughter. Не urged her to stay close to God, and he signed it "From Your Valentine". His sentence was carried out the next day, February 14, 270 А.D., near а gate that was later named Porta Valentini in his memory.
When the jailer went home, he was greeted by his little girl. The little girl opened the note and discovered а yellow crocus inside. The message said, 'From your Valentine'. As the little girl lookeddown upon the crocus that spilled into her palm she saw brilliant colors for the first time in her life! The girl eyesight was restored!
А miracle! Не was buried at what is now the Church of Praxedes in Rome. It is said that Julia herself рlаntеd а pink-blossomed almond tree near his grave. Today, the almond tree remains а symbol of abiding love and friendship. In 496 Pope Gelasius I named February 14 as Saint Valentine's Day. On each Valentine's Day, messages of affection, love and devotion are still exchanged around the world.
Although the truth behind the Valentine legends is murky, the stories certainly emphasize his appeal as а sympathetic, heroic, and most importantly, romantic figure. It' s по surprise that by the MiddleAges, Valentine was one of the most popular saints in England and
By M.C. Parsons
I have a little Valentine
That someone sent to me.
It’s pink and white
And red and blue.
And pretty as can be.
Are round the edge,
And tiny roses, too;
And such a lovely piece of laсe,
The very palest blue.
And in the centre
There’s a heart
As red as red can be!
And on it’s written
All in gold, “To You,
With love from Me”.
by mother Teresa
At all times and within reach of every hand!
Spread love everywhere you go
First of аll in your own house
Give love to your children
То your husband or wife
То а next door neighbour
Let по one ever соте to you
Without leaving happier
Ве the living expression of God' s
Kindness, kindness in your face
Kindness in your eyes
Kindness in your smile
Kindness in your warm greeting!
Ву Percy Bysshe Shelley
Music, when the soft voices die,
Vibrates in the memory-
Odours, when the sweet violets sicken,
Live within the sense they quicken.
Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,
Are heaped for the beloved's bed;
And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,
Love itself shall slumber on.
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
Christopher Marlowe
Соmе live with me, and be mу love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
That valleys, groves, hills and fields,
Woods, or steepy mountain yields.
And we will sit upon the rocks,
Seeing the shepherds feeds their flocks
Ву shallow rivers, to whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals.
And I will make thee beds of roses,
And а thousand fragrant posies,
А cap of flowers, and а kirtle
Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle;
А gown made of the finest wool
Which from our pretty lambs we pull,
Fair lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles оf the purest gold;
А belt of straw and ivy buds,
With coral clasps and amber studs;
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Соmе live with mе, and be my love.
The shepherd-swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May morning.
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me, and be mу love.
The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd
Siv Walter Raleigh
If all the world and love were young,
And truth in every shepherb's tongue,
These pretty pleasures might me move,
То live with thee, and be thy love.
Тime drives the flocks from field to fold,
When rivers rage, and rocks grow cold,
And Philomel* becomes dumb;
The rest complains of cares to come.
The flowers do fade, and wanton fields
То wayward winter reckoning yields;
А honey tongue, а heart of gall,
Is fancy's spring, but sorrow's fall.
Thy gowns, thy shoes, thy beds of roses,
Thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies,
Soon break, soon winter, soon forgotten,
In folly ripe, in reason rotten.
Thy belt of straw and ivy buds,
Thy coral clasps and amber studs,
All these in me по means can move,
То come to thee, and be thy love.
But could youth last, and love still breed,
Had joys no date, nor age no need,
Then these delights my mind might move,
То live with thee, and be thy love.
*Philomel — the nightingale
By J. Prelutsky Love is a fruit in a season
I love you more than applesauce,
Than peaches and a plum,
Than chocolate hearts,
And cherry tarts,
And berry bubble-gum.
I love you more than lemonade,
And seven-layer cake,
Than lollipops,
And candy drops,
And thick vanilla shake.
I love you more than marzipan
Than marmalade on toast;
For I love pies
Of any size,
But I love you the most.
Love is not all
Enda St. Vincent Millay
Love is not аll: it is not meat nor drink
Nor slumber nor а roof against the rain;
Not yet а floating spar to men that sink
And rise and sink and rise and sink again;
Love can not fill the thickened lung with breath,
Nor clean the blood, nor set the fractured bone;
Yet many а man is making friends with death
Even as I speak, for lack of love alone.
It well may be that in а difficult hour,
Pinned down by pain and moaning for release,
Or nagged by want past resolution's power,
I might be driven to sell your love for peace,
Or trade the memory of this night for food.
It well may be. I do think I would.
You Are My Sunshine
The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I miss you
Please don't take my sunshine away
I'll always love you and make you happy,
If you will only say the same.
But if you leave me to love another,
You'll regret it all some day:
You told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between.
But not you've left me and love another;
You have shattered all my dreams:
Say I Love You In A Song by Jim Croce
well, I know it's kinda late, I hope I didn't wake ya
what I gotta say can't wait, I know ya'd understand
'cause every time I try to tell you, the words just came out wrong
so I have to say I love ya, in a song
yeah, I know it's kinda strange, every time I'm near ya
I just run outta things to say, I know ya'd understand
'cause every time I try to tell you, the words just came out wrong
so I have to say I love ya, in a song
'cause,every time the time was right all the words just came out wrong
so I have to say I love ya, in a song
yeah, I know it's kinda late, I hope I didn't wake ya
but there's something that I just gotta say, I know ya'd understand
every time I try to tell you, the words just came out wrong
so I have to say I love ya, in a song
Elvis Presley - Love Me Tender
"LOVE ME TENDER"...... -Repeat
St. Valentine`s Day Wordlist
almond tree - a fruit tree whose seeds are eaten as nuts.
arrow - a thin straight weapon with a point at one end that you shoot from a bow.
bonfire - a large fire made in the open air.
bouquet - an arrangement of flowers, especially one that you give to some one.
bow - a weapon used for shooting arrows.
bun - a small round sweet cake.
caraway - a plant whose small strong-tasting seeds are used for giving a special taste to food.
Charles Duke of Orleans - the author of oldest known valentine.
cherub - fat pretty usually male child with small wings, descendant of Cupid.
Cupid - an old Roman god of love. Cupid is usually shown in pictures as a young boy with wings, holding a bow and arrow.
dove - a bird believed to be a love messenger.
Eros - in Greek mythology the god of love.
Faunus - an ancient Roman god of the fields, woods and agriculter.
jailer - a person who is in charge of a prison or prisoners.
Julia - name of jailer`s daughter beleived to be the first valentine.
love birds - any of various types of parrot that stand in pairs
madrigal - a song for several singers without musical instruments.
martyr - someone, who is put to death or suffers for their beliefs, especially for religious beliefs.
nightingale - а small bird that sings very beautifully, especially at night.
nymph - one of the spirits of nature, who appeared asyoung girls living in trees, mountains, streams etc
odour - а smell, especially an unpleasant one.
pinprick - а small mark or hole made by а pin.
posy - а small group of flowers that are held together.
puzzle - а game, toy in which parts must be fitted together correctly.
rebus - а romantic verse written in ink with certain wordsomitted and illustrated with а picture.
ribbon - а narrow piece of silk or other material that you use to make your clothes look attractive.
shepherd -someone whose job is to take саге of sheep.
spouse - а husband or wife.
thee - you (an old form).
thy - your (an old form).
turtle dove - а bird with а pleasant soft cry, whose males
and females are supposed to love each other very much.
valentine - 1.someone you love or think is attractive, that you send a card to on t.Valentines Day 2.a greeting card to a sweetheart sent on Saint Valentines Day.
Venus - in Roman mythology the goddess of beauty and love. Believed to the mother of Cupid.
On the February 14, people send a Valentine`s card to the girl or boy they like.
Sometimes people write a poem, too.
Look at these poems and fill in each gap with an adjective from the box.
bright busy cheeky clever fair funny great
1 I like a girl
called Nicky
She`s confident
And …….
2 I like a boy
called Dean
Because he`s
never …… 3 Please be my
girlfriend, Claire
I like you because
you are always …….
4 My darling Pete
you are very…….
5 Please be my girlfriend, Lizzie. Don`t say that you are too ……….. 6 This poem is for a boy called Andrew Knight.
I like you because you are kind and ……
7 Do you like me, Kate? I think you are …… 8 You are much sweeter than honey. And you are also very ………. 9 I love you, Trevor, because you are …….
This is a traditional Valentine`s poem. Take the bold letters from the poems above and make four new words. Write the words in the gaps. Roses are red …….
Violets are blue ……
Sugar is sweet …….
And so are you ……
Урок-КВН в 11 классе, посвященный Дню святого Валентина
• формирование умения и навыков монологической и диалогической речи;
• развитие лексических навыков говорения (умение быстро реагировать на реплику собеседника);
• знакомство с историей и традициями праздника англичан “St. Valentine’s Day”.
Club of Merry and Smart People.
Teacher: Dear boys and girls. I am happy and glad to begin our lesson devoted to lovely English holiday “St. Valentine’s Day”.
We’ll have 2 teams: 6 girls and 6 boys in each team, captains and jury. So let’s begin our Club of Merry and Smart People.
Teacher: The first will be the girls’ team. Please, choose your captain. The second team will be the boys’ one. Name your captain.
(Представление команд: I команда “Влюбленные” - “Sweetheart”, II команда “Заиньки” - “Honey Bunny”).
Teacher: So listen to your tasks carefully:
Task 1. Greetings
- Hello. Glad to see you “Sweethearts” Our best congratulation to you.
- Hi. Nice to meet you too “Honey Bunny”. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Task 2. Warming-up of the captains
Teacher: Listen to the statements carefully and try to give a short answer. The first question will be for the team ’Sweethearts’’ and then for another team ‘Honey Bunny.’
1. A flower which helps to find an answer to the question: Does he love or not? (chamomile).
2. Before a date/rendezvous you should look into the (mirror).
3. Reliable camouflage for the woman (cosmetics)
4. Cupid’s sharpness (an arrow).
5. The place of residence of the sweethearts (Paradise).
6. The opponent in love is (adversary).
7. Sweethearts do not love (boredom).
8. It helps us to live and love (a song).
9. The main character of love story by Shakespeare is (Romeo).
10. The season of sweethearts (spring).
11. The queen of flowers is (rose).
12. The most romantic feeling is (love).
Task 3. Some facts from the history of St. Valentine’s Day
Teacher 1: Now speak about the origin of St. Valentine’s Day. What do you know about the origin of St. Valentine’s Day?
Team 1: I’ll tell you a legend we know. Valentine was Christian priest. 300 years after the death of Jesus Christ Valentine had been thrown in prison for his teaching. In the prison he cured the jailer’s daughter from her blindness the night before he was executed. He wrote a letter to the girl signing it “From your Valentine”.
Team 2: Another legend says that an Italian bishop, who lived at about the same time, was imprisoned because he secretly married couples contrary laws of the Roman emperor.
Teacher: I see you know the history of this holiday very good.
Task 4. Declaration in love
Let’s tell about the signs the young people write on their cards.
(Члены команд поочередно говорят, какие надписи англичане делают на открытках).
Team 1: - I love you, mysterious Stranger (Я люблю тебя таинственная незнакомка);
- To you with love from me (тебе с любовью от меня);
- It’s high time we were Valentines (Давно пора нам стать Валентинами);
- I’m wild about you (Из-за тебя я одичал. Я схожу по тебе с ума);
- I’ve got my eye on you (Я положил на тебя глаз).
Team 2: - To you with love your, sacred Admirer (Тебе с любовью, твой таинственный обожатель);
- Be my Valentine (Будь моим Валентином);
- Don’t break my heart (Не разрывай мое сердце);
- Be mine (Будь моим).
Teacher: And now say as much compliments to each other as you can. Will you begin? Boys, please.
(Сказать как можно больше комплиментов друг другу).
Boys: You are so beautiful (nice, charming, attractive, delightful).
Girls: You are so handsome (kind, honest, calm, smart, brave)
Teacher: You are very good in compliments.
Task 6. Love… (Найти русские эквиваленты к английским пословицам. За правильно подобранную пословицу команда получает 2 балла.)
1) Love is blind. Любовь слепа.
2) Love laughs at locks myths. Любовь не замок не закроешь.
3) Love will find a way. Любовь найдёт себе дорогу.
4) Love me little, love me long. Люби меня не сильно, только долго.
5) Love me, love my dog. Любишь меня, люби мою собаку.
6) Love of money is the root of all evil. Сребролюбие - корень всех зол.
7) All is fair in love and war. В любви и на войне всё дозволено.
8) It is love mat makes the word go round. Любовь движет миром.
Task 7. Join the halves of the heart
Match the famous couples (соединить известные пары):
1. Adam
2. Napoleon
3. John Lennon
4. Tarzan
5. Rhett Buttler
6. Sophia Loren Carlo Ponti
Scarlet O’Hara
b) Next competition we shall see who is quicker? (Кто быстрее соединит сердца у всех половинок).
Cut each heart into two separate puzzle pieces. On one half place a part of your rhyme about Saint Valentine Day. Place the answer on the other half of the broken heart. The pupil must find an answer correctly in order to mend the broken heart.
c) Task for spectators
Teacher: the task for spectators is to make a word using the letters in the words “SAINT VALENTINE’S DAY’’ to make as many different words as possible.(all points will be given to their favourite team).
Task 8. Choose the right word
Teacher: this task is more difficult, than the previous. You have to match words with similar meanings (подобрать слова, похожие по значению).
1. Romance
2. Affection
3. Humorous
4. Decorate
5. Merchant
6. Spouse
7. Feelings
8. Companion
9. Festival
10. Sweetheart boyfriend/girlfriend
tenderness, warm feelings
be attractive
wife or husband
Teacher: I think it’s time to relax and the jury will count the points of the teams. The task is to guess who stole the heart.
(A girl from team ‘Sweethearts’ sits with her back to the class. Her hands are holding a paper heart behind her back. A boy from team ‘Honey Bunny’ is chosen to walk up as quickly as he can and take the heart. He returns to his seat and puts the heart out of sight. The girl turns around and says:”Who stole my heart? Was it you?”(name a pupil in the class.) She can guess three times. If she guesses correctly she stays in front and plays again. If she doesn’t guess correctly the boy who stole the heart gets to go in front.
At the end of our Club of Merry and Smart People we’ll ask our jury to tell us about the results of our game. What is the score? Who is the winner? Whose team is better: the girls’ or the boys’ one. Жюри объявляет результаты игры. Команды заканчивают игру песней “Мой Валентин”.
So it’s time to finish our interesting game and at the end of our meeting we shall sing lovely English song - “My Valentine”.
My Valentine
I have a little Valentine
That someone sent to me
It’s pink and white
And red and blue,
And pretty as can be.
Are round the edge,
And tiny roses, too; and
Such a lovely piece of lace,
The very palest blue.
And in the center
There’s a heart.
As red as red can be!
And on its written
All in gold, “To You”,
“With Love from Me”.
На мой взгляд будет очень интересно провести урок в виде квн-соревнования. Можно группу поделить на 2 команды, не обязательно на мальчиков и девочек,а по усмотрению)детям будет весело и дух соперничества разовьет интерес к игре, соответственно и к изучению языка))на практике я еще не применяла-но думаю будет забавно попробывать)
ОтветитьУдалитьпросто хороший стишок))
ОтветитьУдалитьЛюбовь ___
Любовь - нежданная награда,
Она приходит ниоткуда,
И не успеть сказать: не надо!
И не спасти себя от чуда.
Ее пронзительно касанье,
Ее атака безрассудна,
Она врывается в дыханье,
Да так, что выдох сделать трудно.
А сердце - раненая птица,
К взыванью разума глухое,
Ведь одному нет смысла биться,
Ведь есть еще одно такое!
И мир меняется мгновенно,
Где все вокруг необъяснимо,
И лишь она одна - бесценна,
И лишь она одна - любима...
Здесь разговаривают взглядом,
Здесь, в пальцах, музыка влеченья,
И смысл в одном - быть с нею рядом,
И все в ней - свет, без исключенья.
Щитом от чувства не прикрыться,
Любовь срывает все забрала,
А слабость - повод ли стыдиться,
Когда любовь - всему начало?
Она - вселенское прощенье,
Ведь в жизни нет страшнее мУки,
Чем от любимой отлученье,
И горький плен немой разлуки...
P. S. не могу отправить на главную страницу ни сообщение, ни картинку, ни видео, ни песенку-а оч хотелось бы)))...
News about Britain February 2009 Valentine's Day, or Love is in the Air
ОтветитьУдалитьIt’s that time of the year when couples show their love for each other by sending cards, flowers and chocolates. But Valentine’s Day is not only about public displays of affection: in recent years it has also become big business. In the UK alone, more than £20 million is spent on flowers, whilst in the United States over $1 billion is forked out on chocolates.Although Valentine’s Day has become a global industry with more than 80 million roses sold worldwide, the origins of the day are unclear and hidden in the mists of time. Nobody knows exactly who St Valentine was, although some historians suggest he was a Roman martyred in the third century AD by a Roman Emperor. It is said that the first recorded Valentine’s card was sent by the imprisoned Duke of Orleans in 1415. It is believed that he sought solace from his confinement by writing love poems to his wife.Valentine’s Day, or its equivalent, is now celebrated in many countries around the world. However, the traditions often differ from place to place. In Japan, for example, it is customary for the woman to send chocolates to the man, whilst in Korea April 14th is known as ‘Black Day’ and is when the unfortunate men who received nothing on Valentine’s Day gather to eat noodles and commiserate with each other.Technological developments have also played their part in keeping Valentine’s Day relevant in the 21st century. Valentine’s e-cards have been all the rage in recent years. However, internet security experts urge web users to be wary as malicious hackers could use e-cards to spread viruses and spyware.Valentine’s cards can also be used for less than romantic purposes. Police in the UK city of Liverpool sent Valentine’s cards to criminals who failed to appear in court or have not paid fines. The cards contained the verse, “Roses are red, violets are blue, you’ve got a warrant, and we’d love to see you.” Who says romance is dead?
public displays of affection – showing your feelings of liking or love for someone in public
hidden in the mists of time – too old for anyone to remember/confirm/clarify
recorded – known, documente
forked out – forced to spend (colloquial)
martyred – killed because of his beliefs
imprisoned – put in jail
confinement – imprisonment customary – normal, usual
sought solace – tried to find comfort
equivalent – here, a special occasion that has the same meaning and purpose
commiserate with – show sympathy for
e-cards – short for electronic cards, i.e. virtual cards that are sent via the internet
all the rage – very popular
malicious hackers – people who access other people's computers with bad intentions (e.g. to look for their personal information, like credit card details, or to stop their computers working properly)
spyware – computer programs that reveal the identity of a computer userwary – here, careful viruses – here, computer programs which can make copies of themselves, preventing the computer from working properly
warrant – a document that gives police specific powers, e.g. the right to search or arrest somebody
Read and listen to the story online:http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/newsenglish/britain/090210_valentine.shtmlNews Reading Quiz
Are these sentences true or false? Or is the answer not given in the text? Circle the correct answer.
1. St Valentine was a famous Roman Emperor who was famous as a romantic. True / False / Not given
2. The very first Valentine’s card was sent over 500 years ago. True / False / Not given
3. Disappointed Korean men who have received no Valentine's cards eat a special dish in April. True / False / Not given
4. Some Valentine’s cards are now sent through cyberspace. True / False / Not given
5. Lonely policemen in Liverpool are looking for love by sending out many Valentine’s cards. True / False / Not given
Love idioms: guess their meanings!
See if you can match these commonly used idioms connected to love with the correct definition:
1. to be head over heels in love a. to be attracted to someone without publicly showing it
2. to fall for b.to get married
3. to tie the knot c. to fall in love with somebody
4. to have a crush on someone d. to be very much in love
Now try and complete the following sentences using one of the above idioms in the correct form: 1. My fiancée and I have been engaged for nearly a year so we’re going to ________ in the summer. 2. I ________ one of my workmates but I’m too shy to tell him. 3. She is __________ in love with her new boyfriend. She talks about him all the time. It’s getting quite boring now. 4. I ________ my girlfriend the first time I saw her and I’m still crazy about her now.
Try to find the words associated with Valentine's Day in the puzzle below.
There are ten words to find. Words can be written horizontally (g), vertically (i) or diagonally
a s v r h j c u p i d t
s h e a r t g r w u h t
c h r y l o n c r n u c
h t e h l n i o g r s e i
o f e r o x z u b a b a
c c l o v e t i p c r a m
o s w a e n c l k e n r
l f e i t f y e r s d t
c o u p l e r c e cp w
r g b c k r b a e ei u n
r a r e s j r m o u h g
wd h u s b a n d e d d
ht k c e a m r t r o s e
love couple chocolate card romance husband wife rose cupid .
Reading Quiz
1. St Valentine was a famous Roman Emperor who was famous as a romantic. False 2. The very first Valentine’s card was sent over 500 years ago. True 3. Disappointed Korean men who have received no Valentine's cards eat a special dish in April. True 4. Some Valentine’s cards are now sent through cyberspace. True 5. Lonely policemen in Liverpool are looking for love by sending out many Valentine’s cards. False
Love idioms: guess their meanings! See if you can match these commonly used idioms connected to love with the correct definition:
1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a Now complete the following sentences using one of the above idioms in the correct form:1. My fiancée and I have been engaged for nearly a year so we’re going to tie the knot in the summer. 2. I have a crush on one of my workmates but I’m too shy to tell him. 3. She is head over heels in love with her new boyfriend. She talks about him all the time. It’s getting quite boring now. 4. I fell for my girlfriend the first time I saw her and I’m still crazy about her now.
3. Wordsearch c h c h o c o l a t e r o m a n c e w i f e c a r d l o v e e a r t c o u p l e u p i d h u s b a n d r o s e
V - Very important to me
ОтветитьУдалитьA - Always smiling at me
L - Love and adoration is what I feel
E - Every day I love you
N - Never make me frown
T - Too many reasons to count
I - I hope we're always together
N - Now and forever
E - Each and every moment with you is special
ОтветитьУдалитьMarry in haste, repent at leisure = if you marry too quickly, you have the rest of your life to regret it!
Love is blind = when you love someone, you can't see their faults
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder = beauty is subjective
Let your heart rule your head = allow your emotions to control your rational side
Wear your heart on your sleeve = show other people how you are feeling
Types of love
ОтветитьУдалитьpuppy love = love between teenagers: "It's just puppy love - you'll grow out of it!"
cupboard love = love for someone because they give you food: "I think my cat loves me, but it's only cupboard love!"
Immature love says: I love you because I need you.'
ОтветитьУдалитьMature love says 'I need you because I love you.'
this can be made as a motto of the St. Valentine's celebrations (maybe it will be more appropriate for grown-ups)
ещё можно как творческое задание на дом дать ученикам составить мини-рассказ из 3-4 предложений на темы "что значит для меня любовь"?; "Кого я люблю и почему"; "Нужна ли нам любовь?" и т.д. Они могут выбрать из предложенных тем или придумать свою. Не подписывать, а на уроке можно зачитать и попробовать догадаться, кто это написал.
ОтветитьУдалитьLove Quotations: "Love is..."
ОтветитьУдалить"One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love." - Sophocles
"Attention is the most basic form of love; through it we bless and are blessed." - John Tarrant
"We love because it's the only true adventure." - Nikki Giovanni
"Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it, and it darts away." - Dorothy Parker
"Love is friendship set on fire." - unknown
"Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing." - Goethe
"To be in love is merely to be in a state of perceptual anesthesia." - H.L. Mencken
"Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it...It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more." - Erica Jong
"Sometimes love is stronger than a man's convictions." - Isaac Bashevis Singer
"Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
"Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it." - Robert Mitchum
"Love stretches your heart and makes you big inside." - Margaret Walker
"Love has no awareness of merit or demerit; it has no scale... Love loves; this is its nature." - Howard Thurman
"Love is like war: Easy to begin but hard to end." - Anonymous
"Love consists in this, that two solitudes protect and touch and greet each other." - Rainer Maria Rilke
"Where love is, no room is too small." - Talmud
"Loves makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place." - Zora Neale Hurston
"Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." - Mark Twain
"Love is more than three words mumbled before bedtime. Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day." - Nicholas Sparks
"To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven." - Karen Sunde
"A love song is just a caress set to music." - Sigmund Romberg
"Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit." - Peter Ustinov
"Love is like a violin. The music may stop now and then, but the strings remain forever." - unknown
"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence." - Erich Fromm
"In the final analysis, love is the only reflection of man's worth." - Bill Wundram, Iowa Quad Cities Times
"Love doesn't make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile." - Elizabeth Browning
"Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song,
A medley of extemporanea;
And love is a thing that can never go wrong;
And I am Marie of Roumania."
- Dorothy Parker
"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer. To suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy then is to suffer. But suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer, or suffer from too much happiness. I hope you're getting this down."
- Woody Allen,
Урок — конкурс английского языка в 4-м классе.
ОтветитьУдалитьTeacher: Dear children and guests. Do you like holidays? And I like them, too. What holidays do you know? (Учащиеся называют известные им праздники. Учитель фиксирует их на доске.) On the 14-th of February people celebrate – a beautiful holiday, which is loved by adults and children, St. Valentine’s Day. Do you know where this holiday came from?
Pupils: ...
Teacher: (Учитель рассказывают свою версию или на русском языке или на английском с опорой на картинки) Once lived a man. His name was Valentine. He was a good doctor. Many people loved him. He was clever and kind. Valentine was put in prison and was sentenced to death. At that time people celebrated New Year in the middle of February. Children and adults came to congrutalate and thank Valentine for help. The jailor (тюремный надзиратель ) had a blind daughter. And he decided to show it to Valentine. It turned out that he helped her. But she fell in love with him. So, soon Valentine was executed. The only thing he left was a love letter to his sweetheart.
This is a sad story about love.
On this day people byu small presents (flowers and chocolate) and send Valentine’s cards(heart with sentimental or funny messages).
Today we’ll have an English contest - all the tasks will be connected with this holiday. We’ll play games, recite poems – so I hope that we’ll enjoy the holiday and have a good time.
So I wish you good luck. Everyone will get a forteit for the best result in each competition, and at the end we’ll see who is the 1st, 2nd and 3d places.
Let’s start.
Деление на команды можно организовать разными способами. Один из них дети вытягивают один из трех символов (сердце, роза и голубь) и разбиваются на команды. Отсюда и названия команд.
Contest 1
Fill in the gaps and translate the poem.
The rose is red, Роза – алая,
The violets are blue. Фиалка – голубая.
The honey is sweet. А ты сладкая как мед.
And so are you.
Contest 2
Teacher: Today in the morning I ‘ve got a message, but I cannot read it. It is recoded.
Help me to recode this secret message.(I heartly hope you have a Happy Valentine’s Day)
Командам раздаются закодированные сообщение. Дети должны расшифровать и перевести это послание. Та команда, которая правильно расшифрует и переведет близко к тексту получает бал.
A Secret Message
33=D 83=H 7=A
77=L 79=N 69=T
19=I 56=O 17=U
51=S 8=E 26=R
42=Y 66=V 2=P
19 83 8 7 26 69 19 77 42
83 56 2 8
42 56 17 83 7 66 8 7
83 7 2 2 42
66 7 77 8 79 69 19 79 8
51 33 7 42
Contest 3 Jumbled words
The letters in words connected with St. Valentine’s Day are mixed. Make the words.
1. thear 2.RyFebrua 3.Chotecola 4.Tnesert 5.Hodayli 6.Orse 7.velo
1. heart 2.February 3.Chocolate 4.Present 5.Holiday 6.Rose .7.love
Teacher: So it’s time to finish the lesson. I want to tell the results of the competition.(All the winners get presents – sweet or chocolate medals).
Some of you also have prepared Valentine’s cards. We decided to give additional presents for the best cards.
Все мои попытки сделать из этого урока урок немецкого не увенчались успехом. :(, лексика истории о Валентине стала для 4 класса сложноватой, появились огромные слова типа der Gefängniswächter - тюремщик, der Armesünder - приговорённый к смертной казни и т.п. Во-вторых, переделав игровые задания на немецкий язык, задания становятся неотёсанными и теряют местами свой смысл. Так что кому надо, может взять этот материал на английском. На английском он намного лучше :)
Competition “Love at first sight”.
лазерный проектор и экран;
аудиокассета с записью;
актовый зал;
презентация с фотографиями участников в Power Point
Праздник открывается танцем “ Маленьких Купидонов”. Звучит песня Ф. Киркорова “Валентинов День”.
На экране появляется Презентация – поздравление для учащихся старших классов.
Приложение 1.
Ведущая: Welcome to our remarkable game “ Love at first sight ”.
Ведущий: They say: ”Marriages are made in heaven”, but it is in our authority today to connect loving hearts here.
Ведущая: We have preliminary interrogated you and have invited three unmarried young ladies who have expressed their desire and.
Ведущий: three young and single gentlemen. We’ve checked their passports.
Ведущая: Meet our participants!
Ведущий: Our gentlemen!
Photo of each boy appears on the screen.
(Все участники постепенно поднимаются на сцену)
Takes a great interest in basketball, likes to spend his free time with his friends. In people appreciates honesty and purposefulness. Alexey hopes to meet the girl of his dream today.
He takes a great interest in volleyball, basketball and computer games. Dreams to become a cosmonaut and to get a star from heavens for his beloved girl.
He takes a great interest in sports and spends a lot of time with his friends. In people he appreciates a good sense of humor, adherence to principles and self-possession in any situation. Phillip dreams to go on a smart resort with a cheerful company.
Ведущая: Our ladies!
Photo of each girl appears on the screen.
She is a charming, sociable and purposeful girl. Olga loves noisy companies. She likes to stay alone in the house and to dream. In people Olga appreciates sincerity, trusts to luck and good manners. She dreams to swim with an aqualung in the Pacific Ocean and to walk along the streets in Milan.
She is sociable and sympathetic, that’s why she has a lot of friends. Julia always achieves the purposes and finishes any business she’s started. In people Julia appreciates honesty, kindness and self-confidence. She is fond of English, music and sports. She hopes to realize all her dreams.
She is a kind, sympathetic and hardworking girl. Maria does not like to miss. She is always ready to come and help her friends. Maria likes to dream and wishes to open a shop for kids as she adores small kiddies.
Ведущий: And now we shall find out your small secrets, listen to some situations. A situation for you, gentlemen.
You have an appointment with a beautiful girl. When you pass half of the way you notice that you’ve put on different socks. What are you going to do?
1 Will you burst into tears from burning and come back home?
2 Will you take off your socks and go barefoot?
3 Will you act in your own way?
Ведущая:Ladies, I suggest you to resolve the following situation: you have an appointment with a young handsome man, but suddenly a black cat runs across your road. What will you do?
1 Will you go back home, and then explain everything?
2 Will you go further?
3 Your variant?
Ведущий: Imagine, that your girl-friend and you are in the car. She drives at a speed of 180 km/h. Your reaction?
1 You are in a horror and continuously joke with a despair.
2 Snatch a steering wheel
3 Act in another way.
Ведущая: We return to our ladies. The following situation is offered to you. You have stepped on a foot of your boy-friend in transport. What will you do?
1 Will you start to reproach that he has nearly broken your leg?
2 Won’t submit that you have made it.
3 Your variant.
Ведущий: The situation for you, gentlemen. Your girl-friend and you visit your friends, but the company is too boring?
1 Will you start to ridicule all these bores?
2 Will you arrange closer to a table with drinks and snack?
3 Your variant.
Ведущая: The situation for our ladies. You have an appointment with a handsome boy, he tries to amuse you and jumps in a fountain.
1 Will you jump in a fountain after him and float together?
2 Will you be frightened, that militia can arrive and escape home?
3 Your variant.
Ведущий: And now the main part of our program and it is necessary for our participants to make their choice.
(Участники пишут имя понравившегося парня или девушки на листочках бумаги.)
(В это время звучит песня в исполнении школьного ансамбля.)
The song “Someone is watching me”
Ведущая: So, all our participants have made their choice. And we are eager to know who will become “ The Ideal pair ”?
Ведущий: I shall name each participant and his or her choice
(Ведущие произносят имя мальчика или девочки , которых они выбрали)
Ведущая: Alexey has chosen Olga.
Ведущий: Olga has chosen Sergey, etc.
Ведущая:So, “The Ideal pair” is :Phillip
Ведущий: and Mary.
Ведущая:We shall give them some time to learn more about each other.
(В это время звучит песня в исполнении школьного ансамбля.)
Ведущий: The song "Yesterday"
Ведущая: And now we shall see how much our “ Ideal pair ” approaches each other. The rules of the game are the following: We shall ask you a question. But a person to whom it is addressed, keeps silence for a while, until another writes the answer on the board. If answers coincide, the pair receives a score.
(Ведущий задаёт вопрос , но тот не отвечает до тех пор пока второй не напишет предполагаемый ответ на маркерной передвижной доске.)
Ведущий: We shall begin with you, Mary.
You will listen, and Phillip will write.
You have an appointment. But you are late for …?
1) 5 minutes
2) 15 minutes
3) I am not late
Ведущая: Question to Phillip. You vary your roles .Phillip will listen, and Mary will write.
Do you always say the truth?
1) Yes, if it is not dangerous for me.
2) I try, but it is not always possible.
3) Never.
Ведущий: Question to Mary. You will give a characteristic to yourselves?
1. Strong-willed and charming
2. Original
3. Sociable
Ведущая: The next question is addressed to Phillip. Do you like to eat cakes in the street?
1. Only when I am very hungry.
2. Yes.
3. Never.
Ведущий: And the last question to Mary. What do you appreciate in a man?
1. Force
2. Intellect
3. Beauty
Ведущая: Well, the last question to Phillip. We finish our interrogation.
What kinds of girls do you like?
1. Brunettes
2. Brown-haired women
3. Blondes
(Другая сторона передвижной доски украшена вырезанными из цветной бумаги сердечками, в соответствии с количеством набранных баллов.)
Ведущий: And now let's count your scores. You have three scores. Look at the board. You may open three ”Hearts” and read the name of your prize.
Ведущая: But if you choose “The broken heart” the game will come to an end.
(На обратной стороне сердечек написано название приза: “Шоколадка”, “Романтическая прогулка вокруг школы”, “Медленный танец”, “Песня о любви”, “Чай вдвоём”-две чашки с сердечками , “Два талона на обед в школьной столовой”, “Разбитое сердце”)
Ведущая: We thank all our participants. We congratulate our “Ideal pair” and the next song is for them. All participants and actors are invited to a stage.
Ведущий: The song “Lady in red”
so many interesting things, expressions, quotes, lesson plans. good job!
ОтветитьУдалитьI can share some activites I've used with my students.
The text is missing the 7 "love" expressions listed below. Put them
in the blanks.
*** ***
Valentine's Day is the day for (1)__________. But how did it begin?
Nobody really knows. It's probably a mixture of several legends.
Long ago in ancient Rome there was a festival, celebrated in February, where men would hit women on the street with pieces of goat skin. This was said to help make them more (2)____________, or more capable of producing children.
Oh, incidentally the goat skins were called
FEBRUA. Can you guess what word we get from that?
Then Rome conquered France (in the year... well, some time later).
You know for certain that when the Italians and French got together, something (3) ____________ would happen. So they had a festival.
What they did was this: A woman wrote her name on a note, and she may have added a few (4) ____________ words.
Then the note was put in a barrel. It was a kind of lottery, because next a man would draw a woman's name from the barrel.
We don't know what the happy (5) __________ did together after that, but these barrel-notes might actually have been the first form of Valentine's Day cards.
But that doesn't tell us who St. Valentine was, does it?
Well, again, nobody really knows. But during the Roman Empire days, young soldiers were often forbidden to (6) ____ __________. Why? Because you don't want to go to war so much when you've got a wife and family.
Apparently, though, there was a religious man named Valentine who performed (7) ____________ anyway.
Good for you, Valentine! Unfortunately, he was executed for it.
1. lovers
2. fertile
3. romantic
4. lovey-dovey
5. couple
6. get married
7. marriages
I'll show you one more activity in class and then I'll post it here. be waiting :)
ОтветитьУдалитьУрок на тему St. Valentine’s Day
ОтветитьУдалитьРазработка урока английского языка для 6 класса.
Подготовка: нарисовали газету, посвящённую празднику, провели конкурс рисунков, разучили стихи, песню, подготовили инсценировку сказки "Золушка",
- Расширить знания учащихся о традициях празднования Дня Святого Валентина в англоязычных странах;
- Совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию, активизировать учебные умения и навыки школьников.
- Повышать познавательный интерес в процессе игры, драматизации.
- Развивать творческие способности обучающихся.
Ход занятия
Good afternoon, dear pupils and guests. It's so lovely to meet you here at our Valentine's party.
I hope that Valentine's Day will bring you lots of fun. We'll speak about the history of the holiday, listen to beautiful songs and poems and watch a wonderful performance about Cinderella and her Prince. I hope you will enjoy the party.
Ученик 1:
Let me call you sweetheart
I am in love with you.
Let me hear with you
That you love me too
Ученик 2:
O my love is like a red red rose
That newly sprung in June:
O my love is like the melodie
That's sweetly played in tune.
As fair art though, my bonnie lass,
So deep in love am I:
And I will love thee still my dear,
Till a' the seas gang dry.
Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear
And the rocks melt wi' the sun;
And I will love thee still, my dear,
While the sands of l life shall run
And fare thee weel, my only love,
And fare thee weel a while!
And I will come again, my love,
Tho'it were ten thousand mile! (R.Burns)
Ученик 3:
Любовь, как роза, роза красная,
Цветёт в моём саду.
Любовь моя - как песенка,
С которой в путь иду.
Сильнее красоты твоей
Моя любовь одна.
Она с тобой, пока моря
Не высохнут до дна.
Не высохнут моря, мой друг,
Не рушится гранит
Не остановится песок,
А он, как жизнь, бежит
Будь счастлива, моя любовь,
Прощай и не грусти.
Вернусь к тебе, хоть целый свет
Пришлось бы мне пройти!
(Перевод С. Маршака)
Ученик 4:
A legend says that a longtime ago in Rome there was a priest named Valentine. Claudius II who was Emperor at that time made a law that no one could become engaged or married. He was afraid that if men had sweethearts or wives, they wouldn't want to fight in wars. But Valentine felt sorry for young people who were in love. So he married them secretly. When Emperor found it he had Valentine put to death. Some people say this happened on February 14th.
Ученик 5:
Nowadays Valentine's Day is a special time when people tell each other that they love them and care about them. To celebrate the date, people send special cards with romantic messages. They give small gifts and tokens to their sweethearts. Many poems are heard on this day.
Ученик 6:
Your heart is like a treasure.
A source of wealth to keep.
Impossible to measure.
Unfathomably deep.
And now you can see a performance about two sweethearts: Cinderella and her Prince.
Scene 1
Stepmother: There will be a ball in the King's palace. Let's go to the ball.
Stepsisters: Great! Fantastic!
1 Stepsister: Cinderella, give me my white dress!
Cinderella: Here it is!
2 Stepsister: Cinderella! Give me my hat and the mirror!
Cinderella: Here they are!
1 Stepsister: Give me my fan!
Cinderella: Here it is!
1 Stepsister: Cinderella, would you like to go to the ball?
Cinderella: Oh, don't laugh at me. I have neither a beautiful dress nor glass shoes
2 Stepsister: Of course not. You can't go to the ball.
1 Stepsister: Yes, she is too dirty to go there.
Stepmother: Well, my dear, let's go to the ball!
Scene II
Fairy: Why are you crying my dear child? Please, don't cry!
Cinderella: I can't go to the ball. I have neither beautiful dresses nor glass shoes.
Fairy: I'll help you and you will go to the ball. Here are glass shoes and a white dress. But remember. You must go home when the clock strikes 12.
Cinderella: Oh, thank you very much!
Scene III
(in the King's palace)
King: Look at that beautiful girl!
Prince: Oh, how beautiful she is! May I dance with you?
Cinderella: With pleasure!
Prince and Cinderella are dancing. The clock strikes 12.
Cinderella: Oh. It's 12 o'clock. I must go!
Cinderella is running away and losing her shoe.
Scene IV
Cinderella: Did you like the ball?
1 Stepsister: Yes, very much, there was a beautiful girl at the ball.
2 Stepsister: She ran away and lost her glass shoes.
Stepmother: Prince wants to marry her!
(Prince and heralds are coming)
Herald : Please, try on this glass shoe!
1 Stepsister: Oh. It's too small for me!
Herald to Cinderella: Will you try it on?
Stepmother: Oh, it's our Cinderella
Cinderella: But I want to try it on!
(Cinderella puts on the shoes)
Stepsisters Oh, Cinderella, we beg your pardon.
Cinderella: Never mind. I pardon you.
Prince: I love you!
So, the prince has found his Cinderella. As for our party, it goes on.
You see, there are split hearts on my desk. Take the halves of hearts, and find the other half to make a heart.
Now we have couples. Let's do the tasks.
1. You have to get acquainted. Make up dialogues.
2. Say compliments to each other.
3. Look at the hearts on the blackboard. Choose a heart and you will see the tasks written on the other sides of the hearts. Do the tasks.
(Answer the questions about St Valentine's Day, make up sentences, find the words, sing a song, recite a poem)
4. Write a Valentine to the best couple.
So we have chosen the best couple. And now let's listen to a beautiful song. (A pupil performs a song: Speak softly, love.)
I hope all of you liked our party. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!
The main aim of the lesson is to develop creative activity of the students:
ОтветитьУдалить1 Some spots of St. Valentine's Day history. Students have a talk about it.
2 Adding to the song "And I Love Her" ("The Beatles") and writing down the missed words in the typed text of the song. The song is listened to three times.
3 The literary translations of the poem by Jack Prelutsky "It's Valentine's Day" into Russian and choosing the best variant (students made it on special sheets using pictures)
4 Discussing the meaning of the word "love": 1 The definition of Collins Cobuild. Young learner's dictionary. 2 Students are to continue the phrase "Love is..." using the poem "Love is..." and trying to express own thoughts.
5 Drilling of the phrases with the word 'love" such as "to fall in love with smb", "to be badly in love" etc. Students make own sentences and short stories to illustrate the meaning of the phrase.
6 Poem by Jack Prelutsky "I love you more than applesauce" : reading, understanding and creating own poem "I love you more than..."
7 The results of the competition for the best St. Valentine's card.
8 The best transformation of the poem:
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Honey is sweet and So are you" -
students take the first and the last lines and their create own poem.
9 Any song about love ( e.g. "Every night..." )
10 Results of the lesson
The interesting thing about getting the love you deserve is that you have a great deal of influence in the kind of love you get. Most times, the love one gets is a function of the kind of love one gives. And when it comes to love, communication is the fuel that fans its flame. The words you choose can be the difference between a relationship where there is constant drama or one that is nurturing, blissful and romantic.
ОтветитьУдалитьNow that you know that, let me share a little bit of the kinds of words that just simply turns men on and makes them want to love you even more.
1. Honey
2. Sweetheart
3. Sweetie
4. Baby
5. Darling
6. Sexy
7. Fine
8. Handsome
9. Stud muffin
10. Sugar
11. You just make me feel so good.
12. You are the best.
13. I can't get enough of you.
14. You drive me wild.
15. You know me inside and out.
16. I love you so much.
17. I love you with all my heart and soul.
18. You make me laugh.
19. You are so funny.
20. I love the way you love me.
21. I love the way you make me feel.
22. I never want you to stop loving me.
23. I don't know what I would do without you in my life.
24. You make me feel so special.
25. I need you in my life.
26. You just made my day.
27. I can't get enough of your hugs and kisses.
28. I apologize.
29. I promise to love you forever.
30. You are the one for me.
31. I don't need anyone else in my life.
32. You are more than enough for me.
33. Marry me and make me the happiest woman.
34. I have always loved you and will always love you.
35. I miss you so much.
36. I am so lonely without you.
37. My life is empty without you.
38. I can't wait to see you.
39. I want to be with you forever.
40. I love the way you hold me.
41. It kills me to know that you will be gone for a long time.
42. I feel like I am dreaming when I am with you.
43. I have never been loved like this before.
44. I'd love to wake up next to you forever.
45. It hurts me so much to see you this way.
46. If I can't be with you, then I don't want to be with anyone else.
47. I am not waiting for a knight in shining armor - mine has already arrived.
48. If your kisses were wishes I would make a 1000 wishes.
49. Life has never been better since you came into my life.
50. I can't believe we have been together for so long. I guess time flies when you are having fun.
51. I will go to the ends of the world for you.
52. Life without your love is a life I'd rather not live.
53. I love the way you look at me.
54. I trust you with all my heart.
55. Thank you for all you have done for me.
56. The words "I love you" are not enough to express how I feel about you.
57. I can't find the words to express how you make me feel.
58. You make me feel like I am the luckiest girl in the world.
59. Just being with you is enough for me to have a great time.
60. You don't have to say a word for me to feel your love.
Have fun with your preschoolers this Valentines Day by having them play games and participate in activities that further develop each child’s skill level as well as embrace the meaning of love and giving for this famous February holiday.
ОтветитьУдалитьValentines Day Reading and Literacy Activities
Incorporate phonics and literacy into your Valentines lesson plan with these following ideas. Introduce some of these ideas in your Circle Time, or when it best fits your class routine.
Valentines Day Emergent Reader
Make up an emergent reader for your dry erase board, pocket chart or simply tape it to the wall. Follow the Valentine’s Day theme by covering emotions, using words your class is currently focusing on or creating new ones. Refer to the example picture below for some ideas on how to create your emergent reader
You can also follow this activity up with a Poster Board Pocket Game listed in the above link. Have the words on the pockets with the pictures as the manipulatives, i.e. “Happy” would be the word on the pocket, and a happy faced heart would be the manipulative the child needs to place in the pocket.
Heart Shaped Book
Further the activity of emotions by letting each child create his or her own heart shaped book. For each page write a question about the emotions you’re talking about, i.e. “What makes me _____?” and encourage your child to draw or cutout pictures from a magazine. Visit the Valentines Day Craft article for more fun arts and crafts ideas.
Emotion Hearts
Introduce to your toddler, or enhance your preschoolers perception of emotions with this fun, adult supervised activity. Ahead of time, cut out four different colored hearts about four to five inches wide. At the table, have a few magazines available and scissors.
Begin the activity by asking what they think each emotion means. After guiding the discussion, write an emotion on each heart. Say the letters and sound them out as you write the word. Then encourage the children to find pictures of people or children who look happy, sad, angry or sleepy.
When all the pictures are cut out, let each child glue the faces onto the appropriate labeled heart. Hang the hearts somewhere visible and return to the topic of feelings and emotions daily throughout the month. For teachers, you can create a bulletin board theme around this activity!
Valentines Day Math Games and Activities
Candy Heart Graphing
For this game you’ll need boxes of candy hearts and a chart on either poster board, or regular sized paper for individual use. Have the chart graphed by the different colors offered with the candies. Talk with your toddler or preschooler about the different colors, and ask them to sort them by same color.
After the candies have been sorted, show them the graph and explain that you’re going to see which color has the most candy hearts. For older children, encourage them to begin counting and help as needed. For younger children, count with them. Graph each candy using a crayon or marker that resembles the color of that group. Discuss the results, and be sure to let them have a treat in the end!
Heart Matching Magnet Fishing Game
Using a heart pattern (from Preschool Express), choose a skill to focus on with your preschoolers. You can play this magnet fishing game by having the children match the hearts by size, pattern, numbers, colors, or letters. You can also incorporate these ideas with a File Folder Game.
To add a touch of science with your math, try classroom cooking with these Valentines Day Kid Recipes.
The copyright of the article Valentine's Day Lesson Ideas in Kids Educational Activities is owned by ChristaCarol Jones. Permission to republish Valentine's Day Lesson Ideas in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.