среда, 18 февраля 2009 г.

ссылки на сайты

все, кто хочет добавить ссылки на главной странице, присылайте их и добавляйте к этому сообщению в комментариях, я обработаю и опубликую их

37 комментариев:

  1. fio.novgorod.ru/projects/Project1585/index.htm - 11k я тут запуталась как надо адрес писать)))в общем это ссылка на страничку она так и называется день святого валентина там прямо по разделам лексика,песни,история и т.д. если не сможете зайти...я в гугле в поиске ввела :день святого валентина на уроках английского..

  2. http://www.mes-english.com/ ,
    here we can find a lot of another sites - http://www.everythingesl.net/inservices/elementary_sites_ells_71638.php ,
    http://www.onestopenglish.com/ , http://www.alleng.ru/ , here a lot of sites foe teachers - http://www.sitesforteachers.com/index.html

  3. http://www.britishcouncil.org/kids.htm - for little kiddies))) site of british council)))

  4. http://www.wikipedia.org/ - the Free Encyclopedia

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/ - the official site of BBC with a lot of useful stuff for learning English

    http://a4esl.org/q/h/grammar.html - activities for ESL students, self-study grammar quizzes

    http://www.homeenglish.ru/index.htm - сайт по изучению английского языка


    http://www.carlscorner.us.com/ - resources and materials for classroom teachers, free printable worksheets and papers

  5. educational english theatre - http://www.interacting.info

    here you can make a lot of games and tasks - http://www.esl-kids.com/worksheets/worksheets.html

  6. http://www.perfectyourenglish.com/ - learn english grammar, vocabulary
    practical english usage, writing
    grammar terms and speaking

    http://www.landofnurseryrhymes.co.uk/ - you can see here a lot of nursery and kids rhymes, riddles for small children

  7. http://www.RapidSteps.com -- социальная среда для изучающих иностранные языки.

    http://multitran.ru/ - он-лайн словарь, система для переводчиков

    http://lib.ru/ENGLISH/ - здесь очень много полезных ссылок и информации)

  8. http://www.idiomconnection.com/ - сайт с идиомами по различным темам и тестиками в конце каждой темы.

  9. http://www.efmf.ru - английский для любителей музыки

  10. http://www.glist.com/zeitungen.html - alle deutsche Zeitungen und Zeitschriften online

  11. http://www.juma.de/v.php?fl=welcome.html - Молодежный журнал для изучающих немецкий язык со статьями о жизни молодежи в Германии. Методическое приложение (TIP) для преподавателей.

  12. http://www.geo.de/ - Наука и природа, медицина и психология, культура и общество, путешествия и страны

  13. http://klann.narod.ru/hobby/deutsch.htm - пословицы и выражения на немецком языке (по алфавиту)

  14. http://konjugator.lingofox.com/de/index.php?id=conjugate_german - Для указанного (в любой форме) глагола можно посмотреть спряжение в презенсе, претерите, конъюнктиве I и II, формы императива, партиципа I и II.

  15. http://www.derweg.org./ - Материалы по страноведению: Немецкие города, земли, праздники и традиции, знаменитые немцы, история, образование, литература и культура и т.д.

  16. http://www.songsforteaching.com/
    http://teach-nology.com/ - the online teacher resource

  17. icebreakers)))))))


    The first day of class is usually spent in part by getting acquainted and establishing goals. Icebreakers are techniques used at the first session to reduce tension and anxiety, and also to immediately involve the class in the course. Use an icebreaker because you want to, not as a time filler or because teaching guides say one should be used. Listed below are several examples of icebreakers.

    INTRODUCE MYSELF. Participants introduce themselves and tell why they are there. Variations: Participants tell where they first heard about the class, how they became interested in the subject, their occupations, home town, favorite television program, or the best book they have read in the last year.

    INTRODUCE ANOTHER. Divide the class into pairs. Each person talks about him/herself to the other, sometimes with specific instructions to share a certain piece of information. For example, "The one thing I am particularly proud of is..." After five minutes, the participants introduce the other person to the rest of the class.

    CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS. Have students write down one or two adjectives describing themselves. Put these on a stick-on badge. Have class members find someone with similar or opposite adjectives and talk for five minutes with the other person.

    I'VE DONE SOMETHING YOU HAVEN'T DONE. Have each person introduce themselves and then state something they have done that they think no one else in the class has done. If someone else has also done it, the student must state something else until he/she finds something that no one else has done.

    FIND SOMEONE. Each person writes on a blank index card one to three statements, such as favorite color, interest, hobby, or vacations. Pass out cards so everyone gets someone else's card. Have that person find the person with their card and introduce themselves.

    FAMOUS PERSON. People write a famous name on a piece of paper and pin it on someone else's back. Person tries to guess what name is pinned on his/her by asking others around the room yes or no questions. Variation: Use famous place instead of famous person.

    MY NAME. People introduce themselves and tell what they know about why they have their name (their mother wanted to name me after her great aunt Helen who once climbed Pike's Peak in high heels, etc.). It could be the first, middle or nickname.

    HOW DO YOU FEEL? Ask the students to write down words or phrases that describe their feelings on the first day of class. List the responses on the blackboard. Then ask them to write down what they think you as the teacher are feeling this first day of class. List them on the blackboard in a second column and note the parallels. Briefly comment on your feelings and then discuss the joint student/teacher responsibilities for learning in the course.

    COMMON GROUND. This works best for small groups or for each small group sitting together as a team (4-6 learners). Give the group a specific time (perhaps 5 minutes) to write a list of everything they all have in common. Tell them to avoid the obvious ("we're all taking this course"). When time is up, ask each group how many items they have listed. For fun, ask them to announce some of the most interesting items.

    ME TOO. This also works best for small groups or foe each small group sitting together as a team (4-6 learners). Everyone in the group gest 10 pennies/toothpicks/scrap of papers, etc. The first student states something he/she has done (e.g. water skiing). Everyone else who has done the same thing admits it and puts one penny in the middle of the table. Then the second person states something (e.g. I have eaten frogs' legs). Everyone who has done it puts another penny in the center. Continue until someone has run out of pennies.
    These are just a few of the hundreds of icebreakers. Be creative and design your own variations. Don't be afraid to experiment and try different approaches, and above all, have fun and start that most important first day of class on the right foot!

  18. langua.nm.ru-очень хороший сайт куча полезной информации тестов очень много и не только

  19. еще icebreakers-целый сайт-www.icebreakers.ws

  20. http://www.teachertube.com/ -It is designed to allow those in the educational industry, particularly teachers, to share educational resources. The site contains a mixture of classroom teaching resources and others designed to aid teacher training.

  21. http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/ -EFL / ESL English Lesson Plans for Teaching Current Events

  22. http://dict.leo.org/ - немецко-английский словарь, где можно ввести немецкое слово, послушать его произношение и посмотреть соответствующий этому слову английский эквивалент

  23. http://thesaurus.reference.com/ - a useful website with english synonyms.

    http://www.listen-to-english.com/ - the podcast website for people learning English.

    http://www.openenglishworld.com/ -free online lessons for learning English and speaking English more fluently.

  24. http://www.welt.de/
    http://www.focus.de/- это три самых известных немецких журнала

  25. http://esl.about.com/ - reading/writing/listening skills,tests and quizzes,articles on teaching English

    http://www.youtube.com/user/JenniferESL?gl=GB&hl=en-GB - the teacher presents different lessons on english pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar

  26. http://genkienglish.net/Warmup.htm - неплохой сайт с песенками и видео, все можно посмотреть

  27. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  28. http://www.flowenglish.libsyn.com/ - рядом с картинкой жмём на символ POD и слушаем современное произношение с правильной интонацией))) представлены несложные идиомы

  29. http://www.group-games.com/ - a collection of group games, action games, stationary games, icebreakers and team-building activities

  30. http://www.free-clipart-pictures.net/

    -Offers free clip art downloads in dozens of categories and some animated gifs that may be helpful for the teachers, educators, students and the children.


    -There are a lot of games, crafts, recipes, clip art, coloring and educational resources at the site.

  31. http://www.rusedu.ru/ - здесь можно скачать учебные презентации)

  32. http://info.study.ru/
    http://www.mes-english.com/ - here are great number of useful flashcards )))


  33. http://www.bilingual.ru/
